Botany Manuals Module 9: species identification kit
This kit is intended to aid forest workers in the identification of Tasmanian plants, primarily to assist in the preparation of Forest Practices Plans. It has two components, the Key to Tasmanian Eucalypts, and a picture gallery of Tasmanian Plants. The picture gallery includes images of pressed or fresh plants, line drawings and photos. Many common species are displayed in each of these formats, while less common species may only be displayed in one format (or may be absent altogether).  However, many non-forest or infrequently encountered species are also included.

The following people contributed images to this site: bc = Brooke Craven; bf = Brian French; ch = Craig Hawkins; haw = Hans and Annie Wapstra; mc = Mark Chin; mg = Mike Garrett; mw = Mark Wapstra; sl = Scott Livingston. Line drawings were done by Fred Duncan, Sue Jennings, Brian French and Brooke Craven.

If you have any queries or any scanned images you would like to donate to this site, please contact the FPA.  Please obtain permission from the FPA before using the images.

Key to Tasmanian eucalypt species
(Duncan, F., 1996. A field key to Tasmanian species of eucalypts. Tasforests Vol. 8 pp 27-38).

Picture gallery

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Common Name Scientific Name