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Forest Practices Authority

About us

The FPA manages the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land, based on the Forest Practices Act 1985. We operate independently, alongside government and private businesses, to regulate all the activities that are defined as ‘forest practices’. These include: establishing forests; growing and harvesting timber; clearing trees; clearing and converting threatened native vegetation; and work within forest areas such as on roads and in quarries.

View more information on the forest practices system.

Our organisation

Set up in 1985 by the Tasmanian Parliament, we have many years of expertise and experience in developing and implementing the forest practices system. Our organisational structure includes:

  • the Chief Forest Practices Officer and around 20 staff members, including scientists, advisors, compliance officers and administrative staff
  • an independent board
  • the Forest Practices Advisory Council, a stakeholder group which advises the FPA on the operation of the forest practices system
  • around 160 Forest Practices Officers, who are authorised by the FPA and employed throughout the public and private sectors to prepare, certify and supervise forest practices plans.

More information