Our programs
We have several research and advice programs and a compliance program.
Specialists in each research and advice program have developed processes and tools to identify and protect the forest's special values and take socio-economic factors into consideration. We do this by:
- working closely with forest researchers, Forest Practices Officers and forest managers to develop planning tools and prescriptions in forest practices plans
- providing training to enable people working in the forest practices system to fulfil their roles
- conducting research to investigate improved management of special values and socio-economic considerations
- carrying out effectiveness monitoring of prescriptions in forest practices plans to improve processes through adaptive management
- communicating evidence-based information to all our stakeholders.
Who we are
Our team of experienced ecologists and research scientists are committed to ensuring that Tasmania’s biodiversity values are managed in a way that reduces environmental harm from forest practices, within the legal and policy framework for biodiversity conservation in the state
Our focus areas
- maintaining and managing native vegetation communities through the Permanent Native Forest Estate Policy
- developing and implementing management actions for threatened flora and fauna species, priority habitats (e.g. hollows) and other threats (e.g. weeds and diseases)
- monitoring and reporting on management action implementation and effectiveness
- providing training on identifying and managing biodiversity values.
For more information about our planning process carried out by the Biodiversity Program, see the FPA process for biodiversity special values assessment and planning (PDF 178.8 KB).
Earth sciences
Who we are
Our team of experienced geoscientists works closely with other experts to minimise the impacts of forestry operations on geomorphic and soil values. We provide advice on stream and slope erosion mitigation, caves and karst aquifers, and the management of geoconservation sites. We have a strong research and monitoring focus on the geomorphic processes operating within Tasmania’s forests and the impacts of forest operations and fire on the Tasmanian environment.
Our focus areas
- ensuring that geological heritage sites within forests are identified and appropriately managed during forest operations
- conducting research and monitoring to improve understanding and management of forest soils, water values, karst and other geological features.
Dr Adrian Slee, FPA's Earth Scientist, explains how earth sciences values are managed on a plantation involving slow moving landslides. Watch the video.
Cultural heritage
Who we are
The cultural heritage program is combined and delivered with our earth sciences program. We have developed comprehensive procedures to ensure the protection of Aboriginal and European heritage sites.
Our focus areas
- recording all Aboriginal heritage sites discovered during forest operations
- documenting European heritage sites within the forest estate associated with early mining, timber and other activities
- ensuring all Forest Practices Officers and forest managers know how to identify, protect and manage cultural heritage sites.
Who we are
We are a team of economists with expertise in environmental, resource and forestry economics. Our role is to make sure that stakeholders are informed about socio-economic impacts of forest practices management prescriptions. We help them to understand the cost-effectiveness of existing management prescriptions within the forest practices system.
Our focus areas
- socio-economic analysis of environmental regulation in the forest practices system
- socio-economic effectiveness testing of existing environmental provisions in the forest practices system
- Natural Capital Accounting and its application to the forest practices system
- benchmarking costs and benefits of industry compliance with the current forest practices system.
Who we are
We monitor and manage compliance to make sure everyone is operating in a way that provides the best results for our forest practices system and our forests.
We are a team of regulators who work closely with other programs within the FPA, as well as forest companies, the general public, landowners, Forest Practices Officers and other stakeholders, to make sure that the Forest Practices Act 1985 and provisions within forest practices plans are being complied with.
- FPA compliance audit procedure (PDF 1.5 MB)
- FPA Investigation and Enforcement Protocols (PDF 974.3 KB)
Our focus areas
- managing enquiries and complaints – and investigating complaints that relate to potential breaches of the Act and provisions contained within forest practices plans
- undertaking an annual assessment of a sample of certified forest practices plans