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Forest Practices Authority

Our partners

We work closely with government agencies when our regulatory responsibilities overlap. This includes a memorandum of understanding with the Environment Protection Authority (PDF 816.5 KB) relating to pollution and smoke management; and with the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment on Agreed Procedures for the Management of Threatened Species (PDF 761.1 KB). We also work with Private Forests Tasmania on the administration of private timber reserves.

We are partners with UTAS and work closely with researchers in many universities.

Our stakeholders

We work with government business enterprises that are responsible for land management in Tasmania, such as Sustainable Timber Tasmania, TasNetworks, Hydro Tasmania, and Tasmanian Irrigation. We also work with forestry stakeholders such as the Tasmanian Forest Products Association, Tasmanian Sawmillers Association, Local Government Association of Tasmania, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, the Institute of Foresters of Australia/Australian Forest Growers. The FPA also works with environmental stakeholders, such as Environment Tasmania, Tasmanian Land Conservancy, NRM groups, Landcare, Greening Australia and Birdlife Australia.