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Forest Practices Authority

Publications involving current or past FPA-associated author

For publications available online the title has been linked.

For publications which are not available online please obtain from either the Forest Practices Authority or the author.


Jones, E. M., Koch, A, Pay, J. M., Mann, D, Jones, M, & Hamede, R (2024). Movements and habitat selection of a marsupial carnivore in a modified landscape. Conservation Science and Practice, e13098.


Jones E, Koch A, Hamede R, Jones M (2023) 'A systematic global review of mammalian carnivore responses to production forests (PDF 797.3 KB)', Mammal Review, 09 December 2023, doi: 10.1111/mam.12333
Jones, EM, Koch, A, Mann, D, Hamede, RK & Mones, ME 2023, 'What drives the abundance of marsupial carnivores in production forest landscapes?' Forest Ecology and Management 529, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120745
Koch A 2023, Adapting the forest practices system to climate change – results from a practitioner workshop (PDF 1.3 MB), March 2023, FPA Report to the Board of the Forest Practices Authority.
Koch A 2023, Summary of scientific expert feedback on the potential impact of climate change on Tasmania’s production forests and potential adaptation strategies, background report (PDF 1.4 MB), FPA Scientific Report 32, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania
Koch, A, and Gardner, A, 2023, 'Monitoring the effectiveness of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code 2021-22 (PDF 1.9 MB)', FPA Scientific Report 34, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Slee, AJ & McIntosh, PD, 2023, Drainage derangement at Howitzer Hill in the Trowutta-Sumac Karst, north-west Tasmania. Helictite (PDF 781.4 KB) 47:13–19.


McIntosh, P, Slee, A & Thomson, R 2022, 'Do eucalypt plantations on Ferrosols in north-west Tasmania contain more or less soil carbon than native forests on the same soil type?', Australian Forestry, DOI: 10.1080/00049158.2022.2096277
McIntosh, P, Slee, A, Neudorf, C & Lian, O 2022, 'Ancient shorelines of northwest Tasmania – a preliminary report'. Abstract, Proceedings of the Australasian Quaternary Association Conference, Adelaide, 6–8 December 2022.
Slee, A, McIntosh, P, Woodward, C, Wang, N & Gadd, P 2022, 'A rapid sediment pulse induced by glacial melting during the MIS 8/7e transition buried well-developed karst in the Railton Valley, Tasmania, Australia'. Boreas 51: 185–200. ISSN 0300-9483
Slee, A & McIntosh, P 2022, 'History of slope instability in the Oldina plantation, Tasmania'. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 52(5).
Slee, A, Barrows, TT, Shulmeister, J, Gontz, A, Kiernan, K, Haworth, R, Clark, D & FiField, LK, 2022, 'The age and paleoclimate implications of relict periglacial block deposits on the New England Tablelands, Australia'. Quaternary Research 111: 121–137. DOI:
Pay, J, Patterson, T, Proft, K, Cameron, E, Hawkins, C, Koch, A, Wiersma, J, and Katzner, T, 'Considering behavioral state when predicting habitat use: Behavior-specific spatial models for the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (PDF 2.1 MB)', Biological Conservation, 274, 2022, 109743.
Watson, E, Moss, P, McIntosh, P, Vink, J and Slee, A 2022, 'The Holocene environments of Surrey Hills, north-west Tasmania, Australia; when did Aboriginal land management begin?', FPA Scientific Report 31, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Koch, A 2021, Monitoring the effectiveness of the provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code: 2020–21 summary report (PDF 1.9 MB). September 2021, FPA Scientific Report 30, report to the Board of the Forest Practices Authority.


Cawthen, L, Law, B, Nicholl, S and Munks, S 202, 'Bat roosts in Tasmania’s production forest landscapes: importance of mature forest for maternity roosts', Australian Journal of Zoology.
Donoghue, S and Turner, P 2021, A review of Australian tree fern ecology in forest communities, Austral Ecology. ABSTRACT
Geyle, Hayley M, Bell, P et al 2021, ‘Butterflies on the brink: identifying the Australian butterflies (Lepidoptera) most at risk of extinction’, Austral Entomology (2021).
McIntosh, PD, Neudorf, C, Lian, OB, Slee, AJ, Walker, B, Eberhard, R, Doyle, R and Dixon, G, 2021, ‘Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene aeolian deposits of Tasmania and their climatic implications’, Quaternary Research, doi:10.1017/qua.2020.83.
Pay, J, Katzner, T, Hawkins, C, Barmuta, L, Brown, B, Wiersma, J, Koch, A, Mooney, N and Cameron, E 2021, ‘Endangered Australian top predator is frequently exposed to anticoagulant rodenticides’, Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147673 ABSTRACT
Pay, J, Katzner, T, Wiersma, J, Brown, W, Hawkins, C, et al. 2021, 'Morphometric Sex Identification of Nestling and Free Flying Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagles (Aquila audax fleayi)', Journal of Raptor Research, 55(4): 539-551. ABSTRACT
Trujillo-Gonzalez, Alejandro, Hinlo, Rheyda, Godwin, Sam, Barmuta, Leon, Watson, Turner, Perpetua, Koch, Amy,Gleeson, Dianne 2021,’Environmental DNA detection of the giant freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi) (PDF 1.1 MB)’, Environmental DNA. 2021;00:1–9.
Young, D, Bell, P and Mooney, N 2021 ‘Roosting behaviour of radio-tracked Tasmanian Masked Owls Tyto novaehollandiae castanops’, Australian Field Ornithology 2021, 38, 13–18


Baker, SC, Chuter, A, Munks SA and Koch, AJ 2020, ‘Retention of large, old trees in alternatives to clearcutting with a comparison of ground- and helicopterbased assessments’, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 475, 1 November 2020, 118390
Burke, B, Slee, A, McIntosh, PD, Hofmann, H, and Shulmeister, J 2020, ‘A reactivated cave system induces rapidly developing cover-collapse sinkholes in Tasmania, Australia’, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, March 2020.
Cisterne, A, Crates, R, Bell, P, Heinsohn, R, Stojanovic, D 2020, ‘Occupancy patterns of an apex avian predator across a forest landscape’, Austral Ecology 45, 823–833.
McIntosh, Peter D, Hardcastle, James L, Klöffel, Tobias, Moroni, Martin, and Santini, Talitha C 2020, ‘Can carbon sequestration in Tasmanian “wet” Eucalypt forests be used to mitigate climate change? Forest succession, the buffering effects of soils, and landscape processes must be taken into account (PDF 2.6 MB)’, Hindawi International Journal of Forestry Research, Volume 2020, Article ID 6509659, 16 pages
Moripi, l 2020, ‘Soil carbon modeling across forested landscapes in Morobe province, Papua New Guinea’, M. Phil. Thesis, PNG University of Technology, Lae, PNG. 41 p.
Munks, SA, Chuter, AE and Koch, AJ 2020, Off-reserve’ management in practice: Contributing to conservation of biodiversity over 30 years of Tasmania’s forest practices system, Forest Ecology and Management Volume 465, 1 June 2020, 117941.
Sam, N, Nimiago, P, McIntosh, P, and Wang, N, 2020, ‘Markham river floodplain sediments reveal last glacial maximum erosion in Papua New Guinea uplands followed by landscape stability (PDF 241.8 KB)’, Quaternary Australasia, 37(1), pp. 19–20.

Turner, PAM, Wapstra, M, Woolley, A, Hopkins, K, Koch, AJ, Duncan, F 2020, ‘Long-term monitoring of the threatened lesser guineaflower Hibbertia calycina (DC.) N.A. Wakef. (Dilleniaceae) in Tasmania, Paper and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 154: 61–82.

Young, D, Bell, PJ and Mooney, N 2020, ‘Home range, habitat use and diet of the Tasmanian masked owl Tyto novaehollandiae castanops’, Australian Field Ornithology, 132–140.


Hardcastle, JL 2019, ‘Changes in carbon and other soil properties with succession of mixed forests to rainforests in Tasmania’, Honours thesis, University of Queensland.
Klöffel, T 2019, ‘Comparison of soil organic matter quality under wet eucalypt and old-growth rainforests in Tasmania’, Masters Thesis, Technical University of Munich.
Klöffel, T, McIntosh, P and Müller, C 2019, ‘Comparison of topsoil and subsoil organic matter quality under mixed eucalypt forests and old-growth rainforests in Tasmania’, paper presented at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) conference, Munich, 7–12 April 2019.
Koch, A 2019, Monitoring the effectiveness of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code 2018–19 summary report (PDF 1.4 MB), report for the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of the DPIPWE, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 28, Hobart, Tasmania.
MacNeil, A, 2019, ‘The Co-ordinated Smoke Management System: A smoke management tool for planned burns in Tasmania’, paper presented at an international Workshop on Biomass Smoke in the Human Environment, Melbourne Law School, Carlton, Victoria 17–19 June 2019.
Onfray, R. 2019, ‘Cultural artefacts or ‘neglected old parks’: the colonisation of rainforests in north-western Tasmania’, pp. 313–336 in BJ Stubbs (ed), Australia’s Ever-changing Forests VI; Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Australian Forest History.
Pay, J 2019, ‘Investigating the conservation requirements of the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax fleayi)’, PhD thesis, University of Tasmania.
Slee, AJ and Stoios, A 2019, ‘An Unusual Polygenetic Cave: Fishers Tier Cave, Ben Lomond; Tasmania’, Journal of the Southern Tasmanian Caverneers, Speleo Spiel 2019, Issue 430, pp. 23–26.
Slee, A 2019, A reconnaissance survey of the Trowutta-Sumac karst, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 25 (PDF 2.3 MB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Slee, AJ and McIntosh, PD 2019, ‘Are the orthoquartzite towers and caves on the Borradaile Plains, Tasmania, formed by dissolution and arenisation? (PDF 14 MB)’, Helictite, (2019) 45: 27-37.
Slee, AJ and McIntosh, PD 2019, ‘The geomorphology of landslides triggered by heavy rainfall in June 2016 in northern Tasmania’, poster paper, ANZGG conference, Inverloch, Victoria, 4–8 February, 2019.
Slee, A, McIntosh, PD, Webb, J, Sharples, C and Williams, K 2019, ‘Managing geomorphic values within Tasmanian plantations on karst terrain’, Australian Forestry 82(3):127–138.
Wapstra, M and Chuter, A 2019, ‘Response of Pterostylis atriola (snug greenhood) to forestry disturbance in Tasmania’, The Orchadian vol 19(9), pp 395–406.


Bell, P 2018, Assessing the effectiveness of Forest Practices Code provisions for the threatened chaostola skipper Antipodia chaostola leucophaea, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 21 (PDF 761.3 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Bell, P 2018, Assessing the effectiveness of Forest Practices Code provisions for the threatened Marrawah skipper Oreisplanus munionga larana, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 22 (PDF 2.6 MB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Bell, P 2018, ‘Butterfly conservation in Tasmania’, Australian Entomological Society conference, Alice Springs, September 2018.
Bell, P 2018, ‘Options for controlling predation of Ptunarra brown butterflies by introduced European wasps on a plantation estate in north west Tasmania’, Australian Wildlife Management Society conference, Hobart, December 2018.
Burke, B 2018, ‘An investigation of sinkhole formation in Railton, Tasmania’, Honours Thesis, University of Queensland.
Chuter, A, 2018, ‘Managing biodiversity across the landscape: an approach developed for the Tasmanian forest practices system’, paper presented at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference 2018, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2018.
Chuter, A and Crane A 2018, Procedures for the management of threatened species under the forest practices system: Report on implementation during 2017–18, report to the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of DPIPWE, Hobart, Tasmania.
Farrell, A 2018, ‘Late Quaternary environments for the uplands of northeast Tasmania: a new record for the Nicholas Range’, Honours Thesis, University of Queensland.
Gardner, A, 2018, ‘A review of wicked problems: managing a threatened bird in Tasmanian production forests’, paper presented at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2018.
Kay, K 2018, ‘Flinders Island: issues and tools for biodiversity conservation in a multi-use island landscape’, Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2018.
Koch, A 2018, Monitoring the effectiveness of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code 2018–19 summary report, report for the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of the DPIPWE, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 24, Hobart, Tasmania.
Koch AJ, Chuter A, Barmuta LA, Turner PAM, and Munks SA 2018, ‘Longterm survival of trees retained for hollow-using fauna in partially harvested forest in Tasmania, Australia’, Forest Ecology and Management 422, 263-272.
Koch, AJ, Webb, M, Cawthen, L, Livingston, D and Munks, SA 2018, ‘Managing mature forest features: The production, accuracy and ecological relevance of a landscape-scale map’ Ecological Management & Restoration 19(3): 247-256.
Koch, A and Munks, S 2018, ‘A proposed strategy for maintaining mature forest habitat in Tasmania's wood production forests’ Ecological Management & Restoration 19(3): 239-246.
Mann, D & Munks, S 2018, ‘Research to Regulation: Adaptive management for conservation of wide-ranging threatened forest fauna’, Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2018.
Munks, S, 2018, ‘Capacity building in Papua New Guinea: Contributing to the conservation of forest wildlife’, paper presented at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2018.
Neudorf, CM, Lian, OB, McIntosh, PD, Gingerich, TB and Augustinus, PC 2018, ‘Investigation into the OSL and TT-OSL age estimates of ancient (>100 ka) Tasmanian aeolian quartz and its utility as a geochronometer for understanding long-term climate-driven landscape change’, Quaternary Geochronology vol 53.
Sharples, C, McIntosh, P and Comfort, M 2018, ‘Geodiversity and geoconservation in land management in Tasmania – a top-down approach’, in E Reynard and J Brilha (Eds) Geoheritage: Assessment, Protection, and Management, pages 355– 371 Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Turner, P, 2018, ‘A tale of two snails’, paper presented at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2018.
Vink, J 2018, ‘Late Glacial to Early Holocene Environments of Yellow Marsh, Surrey Hills in North West Tasmania’, Honours Thesis, University of Queensland.


Forest Practices Authority 2017, Biodiversity Landscape Planning Guideline: a framework for taking account of biodiversity values at a landscape scale in areas regulated by the Tasmanian forest practices system (PDF 232.1 KB), Forest Practices Authority
Forest Practices Authority 2017, Environment and heritage tree assessment framework and guidelines, report for Environment and Development Approvals, Tasmanian Department of State Growth, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Forest Practices Authority, 2017 Managing threatened flora species in areas planned for fuel reduction burning: Background document 1: Project overview, key terms and legislation (PDF 662.0 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Forest Practices Authority 2017, Treefern management plan for the sustainable harvesting, transporting or trading of Dicksonia antarctica in Tasmania 2017 (PDF 998.8 KB), Management plan prepared for the Tasmanian Government and Australian Government.
Forest Practices Authority, 2017 Vegetation associations, impact of fires and management recommendations (PDF 376.2 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Kay, K 2017, ‘Managing saltmarsh communities in Tasmania – case study: Pipe Clay Lagoon’ presentation to Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference, 21–24 March 2017, Hobart, Tasmania.
Lunn, T, Munks, SA, Carver, S 2017, ‘The impacts of timber harvesting on stream biota – an expanding field of heterogeneity,’ Biological Conservation 213 154–166.
Lyall, J 2017, Distribution of native and invasive mammalian carnivores in a forestry and agricultural landscape in northwest Tasmania, thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Life Science at the University of Tasmania.
Macgregor, JW, Holyoake, C, Munks, S, Connolly, JH, Robertson, ID, Fleming, PA, Lonsdale, RA & Warren, K 2017, ‘Assessing body condition in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): a comparison of new and old methods,’ Australian Journal of Zoology, 64(6), 421–429.
Munks, S, and Crane, A 2017, Procedures for the management of threatened species under the forest practices system: Report on implementation during 2016–17, report to the Board of the Forest Practices Authority and DPIPWE.
Munks SA 2017, Platypus in Tasmanian Headwaters, presentation at UNSW Platypus Symposium at Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW, May 2017.
Munks, SA and Mann, DM 2017, Biodiversity conservation and management in native production forests in Western Australia – notes from a brief study tour, Report to the Board of the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 5.8 MB), July 2017.
Slee, AJ, McIntosh, PD and Barrows TT 2017, Using 36Cl exposure dating to date mass movement and assess land stability on the Nicholas Range, Tasmania, Landslides 14 (PDF 8.2 MB), 2147–2154.
Todd, MK, Kavanagh, RP, Bell, P, and Munks SA 2017, Calling behaviour of the Tasmanian Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae castanops, Australian Zoologist In-Press.
Webb, MH, Terauds, A, Tulloch, A, Bell, P, Stojanovic, D and Heinsohn, R 2017, ‘The importance of incorporating functional habitats into conservation planning for highly mobile species in dynamic systems,’ Conservation Biology, doi:10.1111/cobi.12899.


Bell, P 2016, Ptunarra brown butterfly conservation, report to Cradle Coast NRM May 2016, Cradle Coast NRM Project: SEEP1314CE04.
Bonham, K 2016 Monitoring the effectiveness of the keeled snail (Tasmaphena lamproides) management plan: 2016 Togari Block sampling, unpublished report to the Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Bonham, K 2016, Monitoring the effectiveness of the Skemps snail management plan (PDF 279.6 KB), report to the Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Davies, PE, Cook, LSJ, Mallick, SA. & Munks, SA 2016, ‘Relating upstream forest management to stream ecosystem condition in middle catchment reaches in Tasmania’, Forest Ecology and Management 362, 142–55.
Lunn, T, Macgregor, JW, Munks, SA and Carver, S 2016, ‘Dermatophilus congolensis infection in platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), Tasmania, Australia’, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 52(4), 2016, pp. 965–967.
Macgregor, JW, Holyoake, CS, Munks, SA, Connolly, JH, Robertson, ID, Fleming, PA and Warren, KS 2016, ‘Investigation into individual health and exposure to infectious agents of platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in two river catchments in north-west Tasmania.,’ Journal of Wildlife Health, 53(2), 2017, pp. 258–271
McIntosh, P 2016, Scientific report for the project ‘Training and research assistance for soil survey in PNG’s first national forest inventory’ conducted in Madang, report for UN-REDD+, FAO, and the PNG Forest Authority, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania
McIntosh, PD and Moroni, M 2016, ‘Carbon sequestration in Tasmania’s forests: perceptions, misrepresentations and ecological reality (PDF 486.8 KB)’. Australian Forest Growers’ Conference, Launceston, 24-26 October, presented paper.
Munks, SA 2016, Threatened Fauna Adviser – a decision support system for forest planners, poster paper at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, Auckland New Zealand, Nov 2016.
Munks, SA and Koch, A 2016, Managing the hollow resource into the future in Tasmania’s production forests – Importance of monitoring and adaptive management, spoken paper at the Australasian Wildlife Management Society, Auckland New Zealand, Nov 2016.
Munks, S and Crane, A 2016, Procedures for the management of threatened species under the forest practices system: report on implementation during 2015–16, report to the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of DPIPWE, Hobart, Tasmania.
Nimiago, P, and McIntosh, P 2016, Progress report of measuring forest soil carbon for Papua New Guinea’s National Forest Inventory, Powerpoint presentation for PNG Forest Authority, March 2016, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Nimiago, P, Sam, N, Moripi, L, McIntosh, P 2016, Madang province: Gleysol in tuffaceous silty terrace alluvium, Papua New Guinea Forest Soil Fact Sheet 1 (PDF 551.5 KB), Papua New Guinea Forest Authority, Forest Research Institute, Lae.Nimiago, P,
Gamung, M, McIntosh, P 2016, Madang province: Cambisol (disturbed) in tuffaceous silty colluvium, Papua New Guinea Forest Soil Fact Sheet 2 (PDF 666.7 KB), Papua New Guinea Forest Authority, Forest Research Institute, Lae.
Nimiago, P, Sam, N, Gamung, M, McIntosh, P 2016, Madang province: Cambisol in tuffaceous silty colluvium on steeplands, Papua New Guinea Forest Soil Fact Sheet 3 (PDF 598.1 KB), Papua New Guinea Forest Authority, Forest Research Institute, Lae.
Pracejus, A 2016, ‘Improving study designs for assessing forestry impacts on the giant freshwater crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania.
Turner, P and Munks, S 2016, Monitoring the effectiveness of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code 2015-16 summary report (PDF 1.0 MB), report for the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of the DPIPWE, FPA Scientific Report 20, Hobart, Tasmania.
Webb, MH, Holdsworth, M, Stojanovic, D, Terauds, A, Bell, P & Heinsohn, R 2016, ‘Immediate action required to prevent another Australian avian extinction: the King Island Scrubtit’, Emu 116, pp 223–9.
Walker B 2016, ‘Late Pleistocene climatic oscillations inferred by soil stratigraphic analysis of southern Tasmanian Quaternary sediments (PDF 1.2 MB)’, Thesis, B. Agr. Sci. (Honours), University of Tasmania.
Wiersma, J 2016 NE088 Wedge-tailed eagle search report, report to Pentarch Forestry Services.
Yee, M and Koch, A 2016, Spatial habitat models of Tasmanian threatened fauna, workshop results and metadata associated with proposed habitat models, developed to inform strategic conservation planning under the Tasmanian forest practices system, report to the Forest Practices Authority and Forestry Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.


Cawthen, L 2015 Tasmanian bats and their habitat – a guide, booklet published by the CRC for Forestry and FPA, Hobart, Tasmania.
Chuter, A, Koch A and Duncan, F 2015, ‘Monitoring the effectiveness of Acacia pataczekii (Wally’s wattle) management following partial harvesting in northeastern Tasmania (PDF 6.9 MB)’, Tasmanian Naturalist vol 12 no 2, p. 2.
Jackson, J and Mann,D 2015, Second survey of blackwood swamps for dwarf galaxias habitat, Murchison District, 26–29 May 2015 (PDF 1.1 MB), report to the Forest Practices Authority, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment and the Inland Fisheries Service, Hobart, Tasmania.
Koch, A and Munks, S 2015, Monitoring the effectiveness of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code, 2014–15 summary report (PDF 698.0 KB), report for the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of the DPIPWE, FPA Scientific Report 19, Hobart, Tasmania.
Lunn, T 2015, ‘Causal processes of a complex system: modelling stream use and disturbance influence on the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania.
Lunn, T 2015 ‘Impacts of timber harvest on stream biota – a review’, literature review for Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours, University of Tasmania.
Macgregor, J 2015, ‘Conservation of the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): Development of a framework to assess the health of wild platypus populations’, PhD thesis, Murdoch University.
Macgregor JW, Holyoake C, Munks S, Connolly JH, Robertson I, Fleming PA and Warren K 2015, ‘Novel use of in-stream microchip readers to monitor wild platypuses’, Pacific Conservation Biology vol 20 no 4, pp. 376–384.
Macgregor, JW, Holyoake, C, Munks, S, Fleming, PA, Robertson, I, Connolly, J, Lonsdale, RA and Warren, K 2015, ‘A multidisciplinary approach to platypus conservation research: a model for other wildlife populations’, paper presented to Australian Mammals Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania.
McIntosh, P 2015, ‘Comments on the paper “Stratigraphy and geochronology of Quaternary marine terraces of Tasmania, Southeastern Australia: implications on neotectonism” by Jaeryul Shin, Geosciences Journal 17, pp 429–443, Geosciences Journal 17, pp 575–578.
McIntosh, P and Doyle, R 2015, Field guide for sampling and describing forest soils in Papua New Guinea for the National Forest Inventory (PDF 1.5 MB), Forest Practices Authority contract report 33 p.
McIntosh, P, Doyle, R and Nimiago, P 2015, Report on UN-REDD/Crawford Fund Soils Training Course, Lae, Papua New Guinea (PDF 3.1 MB), 10–14 November 2014, Forest Practices Authority contract report, 21 p.
McIntosh, P, Moss, P, Watson, E and Onfray, R 2014, ‘Aboriginal vegetation management in Northwest Tasmania: When did it begin?’ page 120 in: S Ulm, G Mate, J Jerbic (eds), Culture, Climate, Change: Archaeology in the Tropics: Conference handbook, Cairns, Queensland, paper presented to Australian Archaeological Association and Australian Society for Historical Archaeology.
Malotki, E and McIntosh, PD 2015, Paleoamericans, Pleistocene terraces and Petroglyphs: the case for Ice Age mammoth depictions at Upper Sand Island (PDF 1.4 MB), Utah, USA, Academia, 26 April 2015, 15 p.
Mann, D. ‘Whose den is that? Identification and management of threatened mammals in a forestry landscape: a case study’, poster presentation to Australian Mammals Society Conference, Hobart, June 6-10 2015, Hobart, Tasmania.
Munks, S 2015, ‘Contributing to the conservation of biodiversity on private land – the Tasmanian forest practices system’, paper presented to ESA knowledge exchange Hobart, Hobart, Tasmania.
Munks, S and Crane, A 2015, Procedures for the management of threatened species under the forest practices system: report on implementation during 2014–15, report to the Board of the FPA and the Secretary of DPIPWE, Hobart, Tasmania.
Munks, SA, Koch AJ, Cawthen, L and Flynn, E 2015, ‘Research informing practice: managing hollows for arboreal mammals in the production forest landscape’, paper presented to Australian Mammals Society Conference, Hobart, Tasmania.
Wilkinson, G 2015, ‘The application of a prescribed duty of care for non-wood values in forests set aside for resource use on public and private land in Tasmania’, Australian Forestry vol 79, no 1 pp 70–73.


Burrows, RM, Magierowski, RH, Fellman, JB, Clapcott, JE, Munks, SA, Roberts, S, Davies, PE, Barmuta, LA 2014, ‘Variation in stream organic matter processing among years and benthic habitats in response to forest clearfelling’, Forest Ecology and Management 327, 136-147.
Cawthen, L, 2013, White-striped freetail bats in Tasmania: resident, vagrant or climate change migrant, Australian Mammalogy, 35 (2), 251–254.
Chuter, A, Koch, A and Munks, S 2014, ‘Landscape-scale planning for biodiversity in Tasmanian production forests,’ paper presented to International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Salt Lake City, USA.
Koch, AJ 2014, ‘Why take a landscape approach to farm forestry?’, paper presented to Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) Regional Outlook conference, Launceston.
Koch, A 2014, ‘Landscape scale planning for threatened species,’ paper presented to ESA knowledge exchange Hobart, Hobart, Tasmania.
Koch, A and Munks, S 2014, Monitoring the effectiveness of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code 2013–14 summary report (PDF 617.2 KB), report for the Board of the Forest Practices Authority and the Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, FPA Scientific report 18, Hobart, Tasmania.
McIntosh PD, 2015, ‘Comments on the paper “Stratigraphy and geochronology of Quaternary marine terraces of Tasmania, southeastern Australia: implications on neotectonism” (PDF 259.7 KB) by Jaeryul Shin’, Geosciences Journal, 17, 429-443”, Geosciences Journal 19, 575–578.
McIntosh, P, Moss, P, Watson, E, Onfray, R 2014. ‘Aboriginal Vegetation management in Northwest Tasmania: When did it begin?’ page 120 in: S Ulm, G Mate, J Jerbic (eds), Culture, Climate, Change: Archaeology in the Tropics: Conference handbook (PDF 9.2 MB),. Cairns, Queensland, Australian Archaeological Association and Australian Society for Historical Archaeology.
Macgregor, JW, Holyoake, CS, Fleming, PA, Robertson, I, Munks, SA, Connolly, J, Belov, K, Lonsdale, RA & Warren, K 2014, ‘Platypus population health assessment in the Inglis and Seabrook catchments in north-western Tasmania’, Wildlife Rehabilitation Conference Proceedings, Hobart, May 2014
Mann, D 2014, Dwarf galaxias surveys in northwest Tasmania: A follow-up from September 2014, 6 November 2014 (PDF 531.5 KB), Report to the Forest Practices Authority, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment and the Inland Fisheries Service, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Ohlsen, N, Koch, A and Cawthen, L 2014, The use of nest boxes in logged and unlogged areas by pygmy possums, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 23 (PDF 746.6 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
O'Sullivan, T, 2014, ‘Breeding behaviour and success of the Tasmanian wedgetailed eagle (Aquila audax fleayi) (PDF 1.1 MB)’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania.
Slee, A, McIntosh P, Shulmeister, J, and Barrows, B 2014, Geomorphic evidence for periodic easterly rainfall on the Australian east coast during the last glaciation, Australian Quaternary Association Inc. Biennial Meeting 29 June to 4 July 2014 (PDF 123.5 KB), Program and Abstracts.
Shulmeister, J, Woodward, C, Chang, J and Slee, A 2014, The LGM in eastern Australian – an overview, Australian Quaternary Association Inc. Biennial Meeting 29 June to 4 July 2014 (PDF 123.5 KB), Program and Abstracts.
Stojanovic D, Koch AJ, Webb M, Cunningham R, Roshier D, Heinsohn R 2014, ‘Validation of a landscape-scale planning tool for cavity-dependent wildlife’, Austral Ecology 39: 579-586.
Watson, E, Moss, P, McIntosh, P, Onfray, R 2014, ‘Holocene Environmental Change for the Surrey Hills Region, Northern Tasmania’, page 160 in: S Ulm, G Mate, J Jerbic (eds), Culture, Climate, Change: Archaeology in the Tropics: Conference handbook (PDF 8.2 KB),. Cairns, Queensland, Australian Archaeological Association and Australian Society for Historical Archaeology
Wilkinson, GR 2014, ‘PNG takes on the “3R Challenge” of logging code implementation, Forest News vol 28 no 2; pp. 1–6 in Tigerpaper Vol XLI, Regional Quarterly Bulletin on Wildlife and National Parks Management, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Bangkok.
Wilkinson, GR, Schofield, M and Kanowski, P 2014, Regulating forestry — Experience with compliance and enforcement over the 25 years of Tasmania's forest practices system, Forest Policy and Economics, volume 40, pp 1–11.


Bonham, K 2013, Monitoring the effectiveness of the keeled snail (Tasmaphena lamproides) management plan (PDF 438.1 KB), initial report to the Forest Practices Authority.
Burrows, RM 2013, ‘Structure and function of small headwater streams flowing through wet eucalypt forest in southern Tasmania and the impact of clearfell forestry (PDF 6.2 MB)’, PhD thesis, University of Tasmania.
Cawthen, L 2013, ‘The effectiveness of the multi-spatial scale approach to forest management: A Tasmanian bat case study (PDF 2.5 MB)’, PhD thesis, University of Tasmania and CRC for Forestry.
Cawthen, L, Nicol, S, Munks, S, & Law, B 2013, ‘The effectiveness of the multispatial scale approach to forest management for bats: a Tasmanian case study’, paper presented to International bat research conference, Costa Rica.
Cawthen, L 2013, ‘Tasmanian long-eared bat, Nyctophilus sherrini ‘, in S Van Dyck, I Gynther & A Baker (eds), Field companion to the mammals of Australia, Reed New Holland, Sydney, p. 148.
Forest Practices Authority 2013, Assessing duty of care – private land, Preliminary report to the Board of the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 137.0 KB), FPA Scientific Report 19, Hobart, Tasmania.
Forest Practices Authority 2013, Developing a biodiversity effectiveness monitoring program for the forest practices system: identifying priority projects (PDF 663.3 KB), report to the Federal Government and the Forest Practices Authority, Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 17.
Forest Practices Authority 2013, Biodiversity landscape planning guideline A proposed approach for managing biodiversity values, including RFA priority species, at multiple spatial scales in areas covered by the Tasmanian forest practices system, report to the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Tasmanian Forest Practices Authority October 2013.
Koch, AJ, and Chuter, A 2013, Trialling implementation of the Biodiversity landscape planning guideline: results for three forest blocks (PDF 2.5 MB), report to the Federal Government and the Forest Practices Authority, March 2013.
Koch, AJ, Wiersma, J & Munks, S 2013, Wedge-tailed Eagle Nest Monitoring Project 2007–12: Nest site use, timing of breeding, and a review of the nesting habitat model (PDF 1.8 MB), report to Roaring 40s, Threatened Species and Marine Section (DPIPWE), Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 16, Hobart
McIntosh, PD 2013, ‘Did megafauna extinction or climate change cause increase in erosion post-40 ka BP in Tasmania? The evidence from studies in the forest estate (PDF 119.9 KB)’, VII Southern Connection Congress 2013, Dunedin, New Zealand, 21–25 January 2013, Programme and Abstracts, p. 79.
McIntosh, PD 2013, Review of soil and water provisions in the Papua New Guinea Logging Code of Practice and related codes in the tropics, report for Project GCP/PNG/003/AUL for the PNG Forest Authority, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture (PDF 4.4 MB), Fisheries and Forestry, June 2013, 77 p.
McIntosh PD, Price, DM, Grove, S and Slee, AJ 2013, ‘Reply to Murray-Wallace et al. (2013): Comments on a paper by Slee et al. (2012). A reassessment of Last Interglacial deposits at Mary Ann Bay, Tasmania (PDF 1.2 MB)’, Quaternary Australasia 30, pp 4–8.
Moss, P, McIntosh, P, Woodward, C and Schulmeister, J 2013, Late Quaternary Environmental Change in the Sub-Alpine Grasslands of the Surrey Hills Region of Northern Tasmania (PDF 27.4 KB), paper presented to the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Conference, 24–28 June 2013, Brisbane.
Munks, SA 2013, A review of the current approach to biodiversity conservation in PNG’s wood production forests and recommendations relevant to the PMC procedures and Logging Code of Practice, a report under Project GCP/PNG/003/AUL for the PNG Forest Authority, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, June 2013.
Munks, SA 2013, A review of the current approach to biodiversity conservation in PNG’s wood production forests and recommendations relevant to the PMC procedures and Logging Code of Practice, a report under Project GCP/PNG/003/AUL for the PNG Forest Authority, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, June 2013.
Munks, SA & Watling, D 2013, A review of information on the impact of forestry operations on the biodiversity of PNG’s forests, a report under Project GCP/PNG/003/AUL for the PNG Forest Authority, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Munks, S, McIntosh, P, Schofield, M, Loyn,R., Wilkinson, G, and Kini, G 2014, Report on the ‘Train the Trainer’ course for the revised PNG Logging Code of Practice, Lae, 12–17 May 2014 Project: GCP/PNG/003/AUL, report to the PNG Forest Authority and Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
Wapstra, M & Chuter, A 2013, ‘An update on the distribution, reservation and Conservation status of fairy lanterns Thismia rodwayi f.muell. (Thismiaceae) in Tasmania’, The Tasmanian Naturalist 135, pp 79–89.
Wilkinson GR and Duff G 2013, Submission of the Forest Practices Authority to the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Bill 2012 Committee, Forest Practices Authority (PDF), Hobart.


Hull, CL, and Cawthen, L 2012, ‘Bat fatalities at two wind farms in Tasmania, Australia: bat characteristics, and spatial and temporal patterns’, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 1–11.
Cawthen, L, Utesch, M, Koch, N, and Munks, S 2012, ‘Insectivorous bat activity in timber production forests in the headwaters of the South Esk River, North East Tasmania’, Australian Zoologist 36(1).
Koch, AJ, 2012, ‘Using Maxent to map potential nesting habitat of the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle’, paper presented to the Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference, December 2012, Melbourne.
Koch, AJ, Chuter, A & Munks, S 2012, Defining and managing oldgrowth forests, Independent Verification Group Forest Conservation Report 4 (PDF).
Koch, AJ, Chuter, A & Munks, S 2012, A review of forestry impacts on biodiversity and the effectiveness of 'off-reserve' management actions in areas covered by the Tasmanian forest practices system, Independent Verification Group Forest Conservation Report 10 (PDF).
McIntosh, P 2012, Soil characterisation at the Warra Flux Tower Supersite, version 2 with supplementary data (PDF 3.1 MB), Forest Practices Authority report for Forestry Tasmania.
McIntosh, P 2012, Dated geoconservation sites in the forest estate in Tasmania 2004–2012, Forest Practices Authority Technical Report 2 (PDF 921.6 KB), Hobart.
McIntosh, PD & Doyle, R, 2012, Mt Wellington–Huon Valley Field Trip, Wednesday 5 December 2012; Joint ASSSI-NZSSS Conference, Hobart, 2–7 December 2012 (PDF 4.5 MB), Australian Society of Soil Science Publication, ASSS, Warragul, Victoria, 33 p.
McIntosh, PD, Eberhard R, Slee A, Moss P, Price DM, Donaldson P, Doyle R, & Martins J 2012, ‘Late Quaternary extraglacial cold-climate deposits in low and mid-altitude Tasmania and their climatic implications’, Geomorphology 179, pp. 21–39.
Slee A, McIntosh, PD, Price DM, Donaldson P, & Grove, S 2012, ‘A reassessment of Last Intergalcial deposits at Mary Ann Bay, Tasmania (PDF 98.4 KB)’, Quaternary Australasia 29, pp. 4–11.
Stephens, H, Baker, SC, Potts, BM, Munks, SA, Stephens, D & O'ReillyWapstra, JM, 2012, Short-term responses of native rodents to aggregated retention in old-growth wet eucalyptus forests, Forest Ecology and Management, 267 pp. 18–27.
Schofield, M 2012, Monitoring the implementation of swift parrot Lathamus discolor management prescriptions in areas covered by the Tasmanian forest practices system, unpublished report to the Forest Practices Authority.
Todd, M 2012, ‘ecology and habitat of a threatened nocturnal bird, the Tasmanian masked owl (PDF 4.7 MB)’, PhD thesis, School of Zoology, University of Tasmania.
Wiersma, J & Koch, AJ 2012, Using surveys of nest characteristics to assess the breeding activity of the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle, Corella 36, 38–44.


Cawthen, L, & Munks, S 2011, The use of hollow-bearing trees retained in multi-aged regenerating production forest by the Tasmanian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula fuliginosus), Wildlife Research 38 (8) pp.687–695
Cawthen, L & Munks, SA 2011, ‘The design and testing of linen thread weaklinks in brushtail possum radio-collars,’ Australian Mammalogy, 2011, 33: pp 33– 35.
Chuter, A & Koch, AJ 2011, Developing a framework for the conservation of habitat of RFA priority species: Implementation of the Biodiversity landscape planning guideline: a summary of current progress and future work, report to the Federal Government and the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 880.1 KB), Hobart, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 15.
Chuter, A & Munks, SA 2011a, Developing a framework for the conservation of habitat of RFA priority species – background report 2: A review of the approach to the conservation of RFA priority species in areas covered by the Tasmanian forest practices system, report to the Federal Government and the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 3.5 MB), Hobart, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 11.
Chuter, A & Munks, SA 2011b, Developing a framework for the conservation of habitat of RFA priority species – background report 3. A report on the on-ground implementation of current forest management prescriptions for the conservation of RFA priority species, report to the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Tasmanian Forest Practices Authority (PDF 2.9 MB), Hobart, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 12.
Flynn, E 2011, ‘Exploring the influence of disturbance history and forest type on an arboreal marsupial, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), using a multi-disciplinary approach’, PhD thesis, School of Zoology, University of Tasmania.
Flynn, EM, Jones, SM, Jones, ME, Jordan, GJ & Munks, SA 2011,’Characteristics of mammal communities in Tasmanian forests: exploring the influence of forest type and disturbance history (PDF 1.0 MB),’ Wildlife Research, 2011, 38: pp 13–29.
Flynn, EM, Munks, SA, & Jones, SM 2011, ‘Influences of forest type and disturbance on reproduction of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)’, Journal of Mammalogy 92: pp 1050–1059.
Koch, AJ & Baker, S 2011, ‘Using aerial photographs to remotely assess tree hollow availability’, Biodiversity and Conservation 20: pp 1089–1101.
Koch, AJ, Chuter, A & Munks, SA 2011a, Developing a framework for the conservation of habitat of RFA priority species – background report 1: A review of approaches to the conservation of forest biodiversity across the landscape in Australia and overseas, report to the Federal Government and the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 1.3 MB), Hobart, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 10.
Koch, AJ, Chuter, A & Munks, SA 2011b, Developing a framework for the conservation of habitat of RFA priority species: Monitoring the effectiveness of forest management prescriptions for the conservation RFA priority species: current progress and future work, report to the Federal Government and the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 1.0 MB), Hobart, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 14.
McIntosh, PD; Eberhard, R; Moss, P; Slee, A; Donaldson, P; Doyle, R; Price, D and Martins, J 2011, ‘Cold climate deposits in low and mid-altitude Tasmania’, Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, 2011, University of Wollongong, 3–6 th July 2011 (presented paper).
McIntosh, PD and Barrows, TT 2011, ‘Morphology and age of bouldery landslide deposits in forested dolerite terrain, Nicholas Range, Tasmania, Australia (PDF 37.0 KB)’, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 55: pp 383–393.
Munks, SA & Koch, AJ 2011, Developing a framework for the conservation of habitat of RFA priorities species – background report 4: A review of approaches used interstate and overseas to monitor the effectiveness of forest management prescriptions for the conservation of biodiversity, report to the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Tasmanian Forest Practices Authority (PDF 493.6 KB), Hobart, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 13.
Schofield, M 2011, ‘25 years of monitoring and assessment – the Tasmanian experience’, poster presented at the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Forestry (ANZIF), Auckland, May 2011
Slee, A 2011, ‘Morphology and genesis of dolerite mass movement deposits on the Mt Nicholas Range, north east Tasmania in relation to landslide risk,’ Abstracts of presented papers of the 14th Australian & New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference, Oamaru, New Zealand, 31 January – 4 February 2011, p.70.
Slee, AJ & McIntosh, PD and Tempest, G 2011, ‘Boulder caves of Mt Nicholas’, Caves Australia 186: pp 26–27.
Wapstra, M, Roberts, N, Larcombe, M & Leaman, T 2011, ‘Distribution, habitat characteristics and conservation management of Prasophyllum stellatum (Ben Lomond leek-orchid), a forest-dependent threatened species (PDF 5.1 MB)’, Tasforests, 19, pp 28–41.
Wiersma, J & Hull, C 2011, ‘Do you have an eagle’s nest on your land?’, Tasmania 40° South, September 2011, pp 61–62.
Wiersma, J & Koch, AJ 2011, Wedge-tailed eagle nest monitoring project – interim progress report for year 2009–10, report to Roaring 40s and the Forest Practices Authority (PDF 485.8 KB), Hobart, Tasmania.
Wilkinson, GR 2011, ‘The Maxwell Ralph Jacobs Memorial Oration 2011: The tragedy of the forests’, Australian Forestry 74: pp 157–160.
Wilkinson, GR 2011, Draft forest management plan for the indigenous forests of Niue, Government of Niue and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.


Chuter, A 2010, ‘Distribution and ecology of three threatened Tasmanian endemic species of Boronia (PDF 787.7 KB)’, The Tasmanian Naturalist 132: pp 63–77.
Field, J & McIntosh, PD 2010, ‘Reply to “The Elusive Meenamatta Petroglyphs, Tasmania: Comment on Jo Field’s and Peter D. McIntosh’s (PDF 349.9 KB) ‘A Re-Evaluation of ‘Petroglyphs’ on Blue Tier, Northeast Tasmania” by RG Bednarik, G Andrews, S Cameron, PC Sims, C Williams and E Bednarik’, Australian Archaeology 70:pp 86–88.
Forest Practices Authority 2010, Interim species habitat planning guideline for the conservation management of Lathamus discolor (Swift Parrot) in areas regulated under the Tasmanian Forest Practices System (PDF 1.2 MB), internal report to the Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Macgregor, JW, Holyoake, CS, Munks, SA, Robertson, ID & Warren, KS 2010, ‘Preliminary investigation into the prevalence of mucormycosis in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in three catchments in north-west Tasmania (PDF 1001.0 KB)’, Australian Veterinary Journal volume 88, no 5, pp.190–196.
Macgregor, JW, Holyoake, CS, Munks, SA, Robertson, ID & Warren, KS 2010, ‘Preliminary investigation into the prevalence of mucormycosis in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in three catchments in north-west Tasmania’, Australian Veterinary Journal 88: 190–196.
McIntosh PD 2010, ‘Fire, erosion and the end of the megafauna’, Australasian Science September/October 2010: pp 27–29 (PDF 565.9 KB).
Munks, SA, Kavanagh, RP & Loyn, RH 2010, Monitoring the effectiveness of forest practices to conserve biodiversity in western North America: lessons for Australian forest management (PDF 863.0 KB), report to the Max Jacobs Fund, Forest Practices Authority, Tasmania, the Department of Industry and Investment, New South Wales and the Arthur Rylah Institute, Victoria.
Piotrowski, S 2010, Contested heritage, contested Aboriginality and the Blue Tier, north-eastern Tasmania’, BA (Hons) Thesis, University of Queensland.
Richards, K 2010, ‘An ecological, morphological and molecular investigation of beddommeia species (Gastopoda:Hyrobiidae) in Tasmania’, PhD thesis, UTas, Hobart.
Slee, A 2010, Mt Nicholas – Permian limestone karst of north-east Tasmania, Australian Cave and Karst Management Association Journal 78: pp 22–23.
Spencer CP, & Richards, K 2010, ‘The green-lined ground beetle, Catadromus lacordairei, in Tasmania’, The Tasmanian Naturalist, 132: pp 1822.
Wapstra M, Roberts N, Wapstra H, Wapstra A 2010. Flowering times of Tasmanian orchids: A practical guide for field botanists (PDF 565.8 KB), 2nd edition, self- published by the authors, Hobart.
Wiersma, J 2010, Eagle Nest Monitoring Project – Year 2 2008–09, Nest site use and timing of breeding events (PDF 937.0 KB), Forest Practices Authority scientific report 9, report to Roaring 40s and the Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Wiersma, J 2010, ‘White-bellied sea eagle’ in R Tingay and Katzner T (eds), The eagle watchers, Cornell University press, USA.
Wilkinson, GR 2010, Final report to the Coordinator of Forests and Trees Group of the SPC Land Resource Division and the Head of Forestry, Tonga – Preparation of a national code of practice for the sustainable management of the forests and tree resources in Tonga (36 pp.) plus Draft national code of practice (18 pp.).


Bethge, P, Munks, SA, Otley, H, & Nicol, S 2009, ‘Activity patterns and sharing of time and space of platypuses, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, in a subalpine Tasmanian lake (PDF 2.5 MB)’, Journal of Mammalogy, 90(6): pp 1350–1356.
Cawthen, L, Munks, SA, Richardon, A & Nicol, SC 2009, ‘The use of temperature loggers to monitor tree hollow use by mammals’, Ecological Management and Restoration 10 (PDF 466.4 KB) (2): pp155–157.
Davies, P & Munks S, 2009, Wedge and Tyenna block hydrobiid snail study: pre- vs. Post-logging survey, progress report (PDF 460.0 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Eberhard, R & Slee, A 2009, ‘Do pine plantations have an impact on the density of brushtail possums in karst caves?’, Australian Cave and Karst Management Association Journal 74: pp 40–41.
Field J, 2009, ‘Local government perception of the Tasmanian forest practices system’, Tasforest 18 (PDF): pp 101–115.
Field J & McIntosh PD 2009, ‘A re-evaluation of ‘petroglyphs’ on Blue Tier, northeast Tasmania’, Australian Archaeology 69 (PDF 4.0 MB): pp 11–20.
Gaughwin, D 2009, ‘Trade, capital and the development of the extractive industries of northeast Tasmania’, Papers and Proceedings of the Launceston Historical Society, Launceston, Tasmania.
Koch, AJ, Munks, SA, & Spencer, C 2009, ‘Bird use of native trees retained in young eucalypt plantations: species richness and use of hollows’, Wildlife Research 36: pp 581–591.
Koch, AJ 2009, Tree hollows in Tasmania: a guide, the CRC for Forestry and the Forest Practices Authority, Hobart Tasmania.
Koch AJ, Wapstra M, & Munks, SA 2009, ‘Re-examining the use of retained trees for nesting birds in logged dry eucalypt forest in north-eastern Tasmania: 11 years on (PDF 230.7 KB)’, Tasmanian Bird Report 33: pp 4–9.
McIntosh, PD 2009, The forest practices system in British Columbia, report on a short Study Tour (PDF 2.2 MB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
McIntosh, PD, Price, DM, Slee, AJ, Eberhard, R, Barrows, T & Bottrill, R 2009, ‘Periglacial and associated deposits of Tasmania: a review (PDF 17.9 KB)’, Abstracts of presented papers from CANQUA-CGRG Biennial Meeting, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus, Vancouver, Canada, 38 May 2009, p 128.
McIntosh, PD, Price, DM, Eberhard, R & Slee, AJ 2009, ‘Late Quaternary erosion events in lowland and mid-altitude Tasmania in relation to climate change and first human arrival’, Quaternary Science Reviews 28: pp 850–872.
Munks, SA, Koch, AJ & Wapstra, M 2009, ‘From guiding principles for the conservation of forest biodiversity to on-ground practice: Lessons from tree hollow management in Tasmania’, Forest Ecology and Management 258: pp 516–524.
Olsson Herrin, R 2009, ‘Distribution and individual characteristics of the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in the Plenty River, Southeast Tasmania (PDF 2.0 MB)’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania.
Petherick, L 2009, ‘Assessing the present land stability in the western Tasmanian forest estate in relation to recent and ancient human impacts (PDF 275.2 KB), report to the Forest Practices Authority, 5 p.
Slee, A, Hammond, A & McIntosh, PD 2009, ‘Management of sinkholes in plantations: implications for the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code (PDF 10.4 KB)’, abstract presented at the 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG), karst geomorphology, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 6–11 July 2009, p 63.
Smith, BJ, Davies, PE & Munks, SA 2009, ‘Changes in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in upper catchment streams across a gradient of catchment forest operation history’, Forest Ecology and Management 257 (10): pp 2166–2174.
Wapstra, M and Doran, N 2009, Review of Threatened Fauna Adviser, Background Report 1: History of the Threatened Fauna Adviser, Overview of Review Process and Species List (PDF 1.4 MB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Wiersma, J, Koch, AJ, Livingston, D, Brown, B, Spencer, C, Mooney, N & Munks, S 2009, Eagle Nest Monitoring Project – Year 1 2007–08, Establishing monitoring sites and investigating the relationship between nesting success of the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle and environmental variables, report to Roaring 40s and the Forest Practices Authority, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 8, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Wiersma, Jason M &Richardson Alastair 2009, ‘Foraging of white-bellied sea- eagles Haliaeetus leucogaster in relation to marine fish farms in Tasmania (PDF 1.3 MB)’, Corella, 33(3): pp 71–79.
Wilkinson, G 2009, ‘Guest editorial: Transparent forestry – seeing is believing,’ Australian Forestry Vol. 72 (PDF 1.0 MB) No 1 pp 1–2.
Wilkinson, GR & Prescott, M 2009, Report on the proceedings of the regional workshop Asia-Pacific Forestry Skills and Capacity Building Programme (APFSCBP) – Strengthening implementation of codes of practice for forest harvesting through effective systems of monitoring and evaluation, Beijing/Yanji, Peoples’ Republic of China, June 2009, 25 pp.
Wilkinson, GR 2009, Report on the proceedings of the regional workshop Asia- Pacific Forestry Skills and Capacity Building Programme (APFSCBP) – Strengthening implementation of codes of practice for forest harvesting through effective systems of monitoring and evaluation and draft M&E Protocol for PNG, Papua New Guinea, 1–4 June 2009, 32 pp.
Wilkinson, GR 2009, Report on FAO Norway Project Cooperation Agreement 2008–09, forestry component activities to support implementation of codes of forest harvesting practices (Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia and China), 25 pp.
Wilkinson, GR 2009, Report on the code of harvesting practice for the ‘Eua Forestry Plantations, 29pp, plus draft Code, 23 pp.


Biodiversity Review Panel 2008, Review of the biodiversity provisions of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code (PDF 1.6 MB), unpublished report to the Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, Tasmania.
Cawthen, L, Munks, S & Richardson, A 2008, ‘The use of retained trees, in logged areas, by the common brushtail possum’, paper presented at the Australian Mammal Society Conference, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, September 2008.
Chuter, AE, Jordan, GJ, Dalton, PJ and Wapstra, M 2008, ‘Spore germination and early gametophyte development of the soft tree fern Dicksonia antarctica’, Tasforests, 17: pp 18.
Clapcott, J, Gooderham, J, Barmuta, L, Davies, P, Munks, S and McIntosh, P 2008, Monitoring the effectiveness of Forest Practices Code headwater stream provisions in wet dolerite terrain at Warra, south-east Tasmania (PDF 1.4 MB), Forest Practices Authority scientific report 7, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Duncan, F, Gilfedder, L & Davey, C 2008, ‘Native grasslands in northwest Tasmania and the role of forest managers in their conservation and management’, poster presented at joint International Grasslands Congress/International Rangelands Congress (IGC/IRC), Hohhot, China, June/July 2008.
Field, J and McIntosh, PD, 2008, 'Getting lost in the Myths: Blue Tier mining history at risk', Abstracts, Australian Mining History Association 14th Annual Conference, Queenstown, Tasmania, 4–10 October 2008 (PDF 14.7 KB), p 15.
Flynn, EM, Jones, SM, Munks, SA & Jones, ME 2008, ‘Assessing the effect of habitat type and disturbance on population size and structure in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and other mammal species in production forests in Tasmania’, poster presented at Australian Mammal Society Conference, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, September 2008.
Flynn, EM, Jones, SM, Munks, SA & Jones, ME 2008, ‘Assessing the effects of habitat type on milk composition and physiological parameters in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) in Tasmania’s production forests’, paper presented at Australian Mammal Society Conference, Darwin, Northern territory, Australia, September 2008.
Flynn, EM, Jones, SM, Munks, SA, & Jones, ME 2008, ‘Assessing the effect of habitat type and disturbance on population size and structure in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and other mammal species in production forests in Tasmania’, poster presented at CRC Forestry Annual Meeting, Launceston, Tasmania, November 2008.
Forest Practices Authority 2008, FPA Planning Guideline 2008/1. An internal planning framework developed by the Forest Practices Authority for the purposes of delivering management prescriptions through the threatened fauna adviser to avoid or limit the clearance and conversion of significant habitat for threatened forest fauna, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Hammond, AP and Petersen, N 2008, ‘Mass Movement in Queensland’ in Environmental Protection Agency (eds), State of the Environment Queensland 2007, Queensland Government, Brisbane, pp 106109.
Harris, JM, Munks, SA, Goldingay, RL, Wapstra, M, Hird, D 2008, ‘Distribution, habitat and conservation status of the eastern pygmy possum, Cercatetus nanus in Tasmania’ Australian Mammalogy 29: pp 213232.
Koch, AJ, Munks, SA, and Woehler, EJ 2008, ‘Hollow-using vertebrate fauna of Tasmania: distribution, hollow requirements and conservation status’, Australian Journal of Zoology 56: pp 323–349.
Koch, AJ, Driscoll, DA; Kirkpatrick, JB 2008, ‘Estimating the accuracy of tree ageing methods in mature Eucalyptus obliqua forest, Tasmania’, Australian Forestry 71: pp 147–159.
Koch, AJ; Munks, SA; Driscoll, DA; Kirkpatrick, JB 2008, ‘Does hollow occurrence vary with forest type? A case study in wet and dry Eucalyptus obliqua forest’, Forest Ecology and Management 255: pp 39383951.
Koch, AJ; Munks, SA; Driscoll DA 2008, ‘The use of hollow-bearing trees by vertebrate fauna in wet and dry Eucalyptus obliqua forest, Tasmania’, Wildlife Research 35: pp 727–746.
Koch, AJ & Munks, SA 2008, ‘Managing hollow-bearing trees in Tasmania’s production forests’, poster presented at CRC Forestry Annual Meeting. Launceston, Tasmania, November 2008.
Koch, AJ 2008, Errors associated with two methods of assessing tree hollow occurrence and abundance in Eucalyptus obliqua forest, Tasmania’ Forest Ecology and Management 255: pp 674–85.
Koch, AJ 2008, Hollows project final report, report to Cradle to Coast NRM and the Forest Practices Authority, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 6, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
McIntosh, PD, Field, J and Dwyer, D 2008, Surface weathering of granite in Blue Tier Forest Reserve – brief preliminary report (PDF 1.1 MB), Forest Practices Authority Report.
McIntosh, PD and Ware, T 2008, ‘Taking account of special values during the coupe planning process – an example from the southern forests of Tasmania (PDF 877.1 KB)’, Tasforests 17: pp 37–44.
McIntosh, P, Price, D, Eberhard, R, Slee, A 2008, Late quaternary erosion chronology in lowland and mid-altitude Tasmania, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 5 (PDF 1.2 MB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Richardson, A, Hopgood-Douglas, S, Munks, S, Doran, N, Peters, D 2008, ‘Predicting the distribution of a threatened freshwater burrowing crayfish: Engaeus granulatus in central northern Tasmania’, Freshwater Crayfish 16: pp 43–46.
Todd, MK 2008, ‘Ecology of the Tasmanian Masked Owl, Tyto novaehollandiae castanops’, paper presented at the Australian Birdfair 2008, Leeton, NSW.
Wang, Q; Cox, ME; Hammond, AP; Preda, M 2008, ‘Deep weathering profile and groundwater characteristics within a low-lying coastal pine plantation, southern Queensland – relationship to waterlogging and salinisation’, Australian Forestry 71: pp 122–134.
Wapstra, M, Munks, SA 2008, Review of research and monitoring activities related to the biodiversity provisions of the forest practices system, background document 4 for the Biodiversity Expert Review Panel (PDF 508.3 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Wapstra, M, Roberts, N, Wapstra, H, Wapstra, A 2008, Flowering times of Tasmanian Orchids: A practical guide for field botanists, self-published by the authors, Hobart.
Wilkinson, GR 2008, ‘Population differentiation within Eucalyptus obliqua: implications for regeneration success and genetic conservation in production forests (PDF 1.7 MB)’. This article was published in Australian Forestry Journal, Vol. 71 No. 1 pp. 4–15, available online from the Institute of Foresters of Australia (
Wilkinson, GR 2008, FAO briefing notes on sustaining the implementation of reduced impact logging in Vietnam, Lao PDR and Myanmar, FAO Bangkok, 12 pp.


Cawthen, L 2007, ‘Den use by the brushtail possum in logged and unlogged dry forest in south-eastern Tasmania (PDF 3.5 MB)’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania.
Davies PE; Munks, SA; Cook, LSJ; Von Minden P; Wilson, D 2007, Mapping suitability of habitat for the giant freshwater crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi: background document to GIS mapping layer (PDF 331.2 KB), Forest Practices Authority scientific report 4, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
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Field, J 2007, ‘Local government perception of the forest practices system. undergraduate research report (PDF 1.1 MB), School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, 51 p.
Harris, JM, Munks, SA, Goldingay, RL, Wapstra, M, Hird, D 2008, ‘Distribution, habitat and conservation status of the eastern pygmy possum, Cercatetus nanus in Tasmania’, Australian Mammalogy 29: pp 213–232.
Jones, N 2007, ‘Biodiversity, pterophytes, tree ferns and quarantine: Putting the invertebrate associations of Dicksonia antarctica in perspective’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Koch AJ 2007, ‘Tree hollows in Tasmanian Eucalyptus obliqua forest and their use by vertebrate fauna’, PhD Thesis. Geography and Environmental Studies. University of Tasmania, Hobart.
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McCallum, H; Tompkins, DM; Jones, M; Lachish, S; Marvanek, S; Lazenby, B; Hocking, G; Wiersma, J; Hawkins, CE 2007, ‘Distribution and impacts of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (PDF 303.7 KB)’, EcoHealth 4: pp 318–325.
McIntosh, PD 2007 Stream erosion in Towerhill coupes TH135a and TH119c following heavy rain on 18–19 May 2007 (PDF 5.5 MB), Forest Practices Authority Technical Report 1, Hobart.
McIntosh, PD; Price, DM; Eberhard, R; Slee, A 2007, ‘Late Quaternary erosion in lowland and mid-latitude Tasmania in relation to climate change and first human arrival (PDF 17.1 KB)’, abstract, paper presented at XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, 29 July–3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167/168: p 278.
McIntosh, PD, Ringk, C, Richards, K 2007, 'Stream erosion in Saddleback plantation catchments following exceptional rainfall in January 2004', Forest Practices Authority and Rayonier Ltd Report, FPA, Hobart, 35 p.
Munks, SA, Spencer, C, Tonelli, P, Wiersma J and O’Connor, K 2007, ‘Platypuses at the Ponds’, report to the Inland Fisheries Service and the Lessee of the Salmon Ponds, Hobart.
Munks, SA, Wapstra, M, Corkrey, R, Otley, H, Miller, G and Walker, B 2007, ‘The occurrence of potential tree hollow resource in the dry eucalypt forests of south-eastern Tasmania, Australia’, Australian Zoologist, 34: pp 22–36.
Smith, TJ 2007, ‘The ecology of Sarcochilus australis, Tasmania’s only epiphytic orchid’, Honours thesis, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Wapstra, M 2007, Processes and planning tools to meet objectives and requirements of the biodiversity provisions of Tasmania’s forest practices system, background document 2 for the Biodiversity Expert Review Panel (PDF 574.9 KB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Wapstra, M, Munks, SA 2007, A review of Forest Practices Code provisions relating to management of biodiversity at different spatial scales, implementation and relationships between biodiversity provisions and other forest management provisions, background document 3 for the Biodiversity Expert Review, Panel, Forest Practices Authority, Hobart.
Wapstra, M; Munks, SA; Brown, B 2007, ‘A design for a lightweight, collapsible and inexpensive sampling frame for ecological research and monitoring (PDF 578.0 KB)’, Ecological Management and Restoration 8(1): pp 71–72.
Wilkinson, GR 2007, ‘Outlaws in the forest? An analysis of the nature and causes of illegal forest practices (PDF 48.7 KB)’, Proceedings of the 2007 Institute of Foresters of Australia and New Zealand Institute of Forestry Conference, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 3-7th June 2007, pp 480–488.
Wilkinson, GR 2007, ‘Forest management planning: basis for operations and control’, in Magrath, William B, Grandalski, Richard L, Stuckey Gerald L, Vikanes Garry B, and Wilkinson, Graham R (eds), Timber theft prevention: introduction to security for forest managers, pp. 13–28, East Asia and Pacific Region Sustainable Development Discussion Paper, East Asia and Pacific Region Sustainable Development Department, World Bank, Washington, DC.


Chuter, A 2006, ‘Distribution and ecology of three threatened Boronia species’, a report to the Conservation Planning Section, Forestry Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.
Chuter, AE, Jordan, GJ, Dalton, PJ & Wapstra, M 2006, ‘Spore germination and early gametophyte development of the soft tree fern Dicksonia antarctica’, Tasforests 17.
Duncan, F 2006, Temperate Native Forests in Chile. Management, Conservation and Forest Practices, report supported by Gottstein Memorial Trust fund and the FPA in 2005.
Duncan, F 2006, ‘Native forests in Tasmania’, in Davidson, N, Volker, P, Leech, M, Lyons, A and Beadle, C (Eds), Farm Forestry – a technical and business handbook, pp. 82–87, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Duncan, F 2006, ‘Biodiversity and conservation’, in Davidson, N, Volker, P, Leech, M, Lyons, A and Beadle, C (Eds), Farm Forestry – a technical and business handbook, pp. 88–94, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Duncan, F 2006, ‘Identifying areas for conservation’, in Davidson, N, Volker, P, Leech, M, Lyons, A and Beadle, C (Eds), Farm Forestry – a technical and business handbook, pp. 95–99, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Grove, S, Richards, K, Spencer, C and Yaxley, B 2006, ‘What lives under large logs in Tasmanian eucalypt forest?’, The Tasmanian Naturalist, 128: pp 86–93.
Koch, N, Munks SA & Utesch, M 2006, ‘Occurrence of the platypus in headwater streams in production forests in NE Tasmania’, Australian Zoologist, 33 (4).
Koch, N; Munks, SA; Utesch, M; Davies, PE; McIntosh, PD 2006, ‘The platypus Ornithorhyncus anatinus in headwater streams, and effects of pre-Code forest clearfelling, in the South Esk River catchment, Tasmania, Australia (PDF 433.0 KB)’, Australian Zoologist 33: pp 458–473.
McIntosh, PD 2006, Land stability on coupe NI114A and adjacent steeplands, Forest Practices Authority scientific report 2 (PDF 3.8 MB), Forest Practices Authority, Hobart, 36 p.
McIntosh, PD; Price, DM 2006, ‘Timing and causes of late Quaternary erosion events in lowland and mid-altitude Tasmania (PDF 28.6 KB)’, Legacy of an Ice Age. Abstracts of Conference Proceedings, Mungo Lodge, Lake Mungo, 6–9 September 2006, pp 18–21.
Wapstra, M, Duncan, F, Buchanan, A and Schahinger, R 2006, ‘Finding a botanical Lazarus: tales of Tasmanian plant species “risen from the dead”’, The Tasmanian Naturalist, 128: pp 61–85.
Wapstra, M, Richards, K, Munks, SA and Doran, NE 2006, Previously undescribed habitat of the Scottsdale burrowing crayfish Engaeus spinicaudatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) (PDF 1.5 MB), Tasmanian Naturalist 128: pp 26–36.
Wilkinson, GR 2006, ‘Managing private forests for public benefit – the challenge for forest conservation in Australia (PDF 60.5 KB)’, Sustainable Forestry – Everyone Benefits. Conference papers of the Australian Forest Growers International Biennial Conference, Launceston, 22nd – 25th October 2006, pp 81–92.


Davies, PE, Cook, LSJ, McIntosh, PD and Munks SA 2005, ‘Changes in stream biota along a gradient of logging disturbance, 15 years after logging at Ben Nevis, Tasmania (PDF 424.2 KB),’ Forest Ecology and Management 219: pp 132–148.
Davies, PE, Cook, LSJ, Munks, SA and Meggs, J 2005, ‘Astacopsis gouldii Clark: habitat characteristics and relative abundance of juveniles (PDF 359.2 KB),’ Tasforests 16: pp 1–18.
Davies, PE, McIntosh, PD, Wapstra, M, Bunce, SEH, Cook, LSJ, French, B and Munks, SA 2005, ‘Changes to headwater stream morphology, habitats and riparian vegetation recorded 15 years after pre-Forest Practices Code forest clearfelling in upland granite terrain, Tasmania, Australia’, Forest Ecology and Management (PDF 711.2 KB) 217: pp 331–350.
Davies, PE, Cook, LSJ, and Sloane, T 2005, Defining headwater stream habitat suitability for juvenile Astacopsis gouldi (PDF 68.6 KB), Interim Report to the Forest Practices Board, Hobart.
Davies, SR, Duncan, F and Chuter, A 2005, Sustainable harvesting of Dicksonia antarctica in wet forests in Tasmania, International Forestry Review 7(5): 11.
Davies, SR, Howieson, JG, Yates, RJ and Lane, PA 2005, ‘Selection and evaluation of root nodule bacteria for Dorycnium spp’, Aust. J. Exp. Agr.45(2/3): pp 241–246.
Davies, S, Duncan, F and Chuter, A 2005, Sustainable harvesting of tree ferns (Dicksonia antarctica) in Tasmania’, XXII IUFRO World Congress. August, 2005, Brisbane, International Forestry Review 7 (5): 11 (abstract).
Duncan, F and Munks, SA 2005, ‘Conservation and management of grassy Eucalyptus globulus forests in southeast Tasmania’, XXII IUFRO World Congress. August, 2005, Brisbane, presented paper. International Forestry Review 7 (5): 39 (abstract).
Gaughwin, D 2005, Natural vs. cultural: the d'Entrecasteaux expedition, pre- circulated paper presented at the 10th UNESCO Universities Heritage Forum, Newcastle, U.K., April 2005.
Laffan, MD and McIntosh, PD 2005, Forest soils formed in Jurassic dolerite in Tasmania: a summary of their properties, distribution and management requirements (PDF 2.2 MB), Forestry Tasmania Division of Forest Research and Development, Technical Report 25/2005, Forestry Tasmania, Hobart, 33 p.
McIntosh, PD; Laffan, MD and Hewitt, AE 2005, ‘The role of fire and nutrient loss in the genesis of the forest soils of Tasmania and southern New Zealand,’ Forest Ecol. Manage. 220: pp 185-215.
McIntosh, PD and Laffan, MD 2005, ‘Soil erodibility and erosion hazard: extending these cornerstone soil conservation concepts to headwater streams in the forestry estate in Tasmania (PDF 445.3 KB)’, Forest Ecol. Manage. 220: pp 128–139.
Richards, K 2005, Survey for Phrantela pupiformis (Hydrobiidae: Mollusca), a threatened species of aquatic snail, from streams near the proposed Maydena Hauler site, report to Forestry Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania.
Richards, K and Spencer, C 2005, A survey for the threatened Weldborough forest weevil (Enchymus sp. nov.: Curculinidae), on private property, NE Tasmania, report to Forest Enterprises Australia.
Wapstra, M, Adamczewski, K, Hovenden, M, Duncan, F and French, B 2005, ‘Effects of forest management practices on a localised Tasmanian endemic plant, the trailing riceflower Pimelea filiformis Hook.f. (Thymelaeaceae)’, Australian Forestry 68: pp 211–220.
Wapstra, M and Doran, N 2004, ‘Observations on a nesting hollow of yellow- tailed black cockatoo, and the felled tree that hosted it, in north-eastern Tasmania’ The Tasmanian Naturalist 126: pp 59–63.
Wapstra, M, French, B, Davies, N, O’Reilly-Wapstra, J and Peters, D 2005, ‘A bright light of the dark forest floor: observations of the fairy lanterns Thismia rodwayi F. Muell. (Burmanniaceae) in Tasmanian forests’. Tasmanian Naturalist 127: pp 2–18.


Bethge, P, Munks, S, Otley, H and Nicol, S 2004, ‘Platypus burrow temperatures at a subalpine Tasmanian lake (PDF 144.1 KB)’, Proceedings of the Linn. Soc. of New South Wales 125: pp 273276.
Davies, PE and Cook, L 2004, Juvenile Astacopsis gouldi in headwater streams – relative abundance and habitat (PDF 446.9 KB), report to the Forest Practices Board, Hobart, Tasmania.
Fox, JC, Regan, TJ, Wintle, BA, McCarthy MA, Yamada, K, Burgman, MA, Graham , K, Brown, MJ, Meggs, JM, Hickey, J, Grove, S, Wells , P, Bonham, K, Jones, M, Turner , P, Mesibov, R, Munks, SA, Brereton, R, Brown, WE, Mooney , N and Bekessy, SA 2004, Linking landscape ecology and management to population viability analysis (PDF 3.0 MB), a project by the University of Melbourne prepared for Forestry Tasmania. 265 p.
Meggs, J, Munks, S, Corkrey, R and Richards, K 2004, ‘Development and evaluation of predictive habitat models to assist the conservation management of a threatened lucanid beetle, Hoplogonus simsoni, in northeast Tasmania (PDF 360.1 KB)’, Biol. Conserv. 118: pp 501–511.
McIntosh, PD 2004, New guidelines for the protection of Class 4 streams (PDF 1.2 MB), Forest Practices Board report.
McIntosh, PD 2004, ‘New Guidelines for the protection of headwater streams in Tasmania,’ in J Croke, S Mockler, and I Takken (eds): Proceedings of the Third Forest Management Workshop, Canberra, 23–25 March, volume 1, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne, pp 87–93.
McIntosh, PD, Haywood,B, Davies, S, Giblin, M, Wilson, K and Harvey, A 2004, ‘Forestry, water yields and water quality on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania – an example of a scientific enquiry addressing community concerns (PDF 325.7 KB)’, in D Rutherfurd, I Wiszniewski, M Askey-Doran, and R Glazik (eds), Proceedings 4th Australian Stream Management Conference, Launceston, Australia, 19–22 October 2004, pp. 415–422.
McIntosh, PD, Kiernan, K and Price, DM 2004, ‘An aeolian sediment pulse at c. 28 kyr BP in southern Tasmania (PDF 259.1 KB)’, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 34: pp 369–379.
Munks, S, Richards, K, Meggs, J, Wapstra, M and Corkrey, R 2004, ‘Distribution, habitat and conservation of two threatened stag beetles, Hoplogonus bornemisszai and H. vanderschoori (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in north-east Tasmania (PDF 4.4 MB)’, Australian Zoologist 32(4): 586–596.
Munks, S Eberhard, R and Duhig, N 2004, ‘Nests of the platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus in a Tasmanian cave (PDF 799.1 KB)’, Tasmanian Naturalist 126: pp 55–58.
Munks, SA, Mooney, N, Pemberton, D and Gales, R 2004, ‘An update on the distribution and status of possums and gliders in Tasmania, including off-shore islands’, in RL Goldingay and SM Jackson (eds.), The Biology of Australian Possums and Gliders, Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, pp111–129.
Munks, S, Richards, K, Meggs, J and Brereton, R 2004, ‘The importance of adaptive management in ‘off-reserve’ conservation for forest fauna: implementing, monitoring and upgrading of Swift Parrot Lathmus discolor conservation measures in Tasmania (PDF 2.5 MB)’, in D Lunney (ed), Conservation of Australia’s Forest Fauna (2nd edition), Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. Mosman, NSW, pp 688–698.
Richards, K 2004, Survey for Beddomeia capensis (Hydrobiidae: Mollusca), a Threatened Species of Aquatic Snail, Table Cape farm & Table Cape, report to the Forest Practices Board, Hobart, Tasmania.
Richards, K 2004, Survey for Beddomeia wiseae (Hydrobiidae: Mollusca), a Threatened Species of Aquatic Snail, Blizzards Ck and Allens Ck, Lileah, report to Private Forest Reserve Program.
Wapstra, M & Doran, N 2004, ‘Observations on a nesting hollow of yellow-tailed black cockatoo, and the felled tree that hosted it, in north-eastern Tasmania’, The Tasmanian Naturalist, 126, pp 59–63.


Bethge, P, Munks, S, Otley, H and Nicol, S 2003, ‘Diving behaviour, dive cycles and aerobic dive limit in the platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus (PDF 232.1 KB)’, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A 136: pp 799–809.
Davies, S and McIntosh, PD 2003, ‘Soil survey of the Koonya district’, in PD McIntosh, (ed) Soil, water and summary reports for investigations into the effect of forestry operations on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania (PDF 858.9 KB), Forest Practices Board, Hobart, pp 5–20.
Gaughwin, D and Forghani, A 2003, ‘A mapping history’, Position Magazine (Australasian Magazine of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation) 5: pp 69– 71.
Jennings, SM, Wilkinson, GR and Unwin, GL 2003, ‘Response of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) regeneration to silvicultural removal of competition in regrowth eucalypt forests of north-west Tasmania’, For. Ecol. Management 177: pp 75–83.
Kiernan, K, Wood, C and Middleton, G 2003, ‘Aquifer structure and contamination risk in lava flows: insights from Iceland and Australia’, Environmental Geology 43 (7): pp 852–865.
Laffan, MD, McIntosh, PD and Neilsen, WA 2003, ‘Forest soils derived from granite in northern Tasmania: an overview of properties, distribution and management requirements’, Tasforests 14: 1–14.
Meggs, J and Munks SA 2003, ‘Distribution, habitat characteristics and conservation requirements of a forest dependent threatened invertebrate Lissotes latidens (Coleoptera Lucanidae)’, J. Insect Conserv. 7 (3): pp 137–153.
Meggs, J, Munks, S and Corkrey, R 2003, ‘The distribution and habitat characteristics of a threatened lucanid beetle, Hoplogonus simsoni in north-east Tasmania (PDF 3.3 MB)’, Pacific Conserv. Biol. 9 (3): pp 172–186.
McIntosh, PD 2003, ‘Estimated effects of potential forestry operations on water quantity, Koonya district’, in PD McIntosh (ed), Soil, water and summary reports for investigations into the effect of forestry operations on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania (PDF 171.5 KB), Forest Practices Board, Hobart, pp 27–35.
McIntosh, PD (ed) 2003, Soil, water and summary reports for investigations into the effect of forestry operations on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania (PDF 1.8 MB), Forest Practices Board scientific report 1, Forest Practices Board, Hobart, 46 p.
McIntosh, PD, Davies, S and Haywood, B 2003, ‘Summary of geological, soil and water investigations in the Koonya district’, in PD McIntosh (ed), Soil, water and summary reports for investigations into the effect of forestry operations on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania (PDF 588.4 KB), Forest Practices Board, Hobart, pp 36–46.
McIntosh, PD, Laffan, M and Hewitt, A 2003, ‘The role of fire and nutrient loss in the genesis of the forest soils of Tasmania and southern New Zealand’, Speaker Abstracts, 10th North American forest soils conference, July 20–24, 2003, Canadian Forest Service, Sault Ste Marie, Canada, p18.
McIntosh, PD and Haywood, B 2003, ‘Koonya B water quality’ in (PD McIntosh (ed), Soil, water and summary reports for investigations into the effect of forestry operations on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania (PDF 358.5 KB), Forest Practices Board, Hobart, pp 21–26.
McIntosh, PD and Laffan, MD 2003, ‘Soil erodibility and erosion hazard: extending these cornerstone soil conservation concepts to headwater streams in the forestry estate in Tasmania (PDF 17.8 KB)’, Poster Abstracts, 10th North American forest soils conference, July 20–24, 2003, Canadian Forest Service, Sault Ste Marie, Canada, p 43.
Roberts, N, Duncan, F, Wapstra, M and Woolley, A 2003, Distribution, habitat characteristics and conservation status of Thismia rodwayi f. Muell. in Tasmania, A Forestry Tasmania Conservation Planning Branch and the Forest Practices Board Report.
Roberts, N, Wapstra, M, Duncan, F, Woolley, A, Morley, J and Fitzgerald, N 2003, ‘Shedding some light on Thismia rodwayi f. Muell. (fairy lanterns) in Tasmania: distribution, habitat and conservation status’, Pap. Proc. of the R. Soc. Tasmania 137: pp 55–66.
Wapstra, M, Duncan, F, Williams, K and Walsh, D 2003, ‘The effect of silvicultural system on floristic composition in wet sclerophyll forest in southeastern Tasmania’, Australian For. 66(4): pp 247–257.
Wilkinson, GR 2003, ‘Designing the regulatory framework for the implementation of codes of forest practice – the Tasmanian experience’, in International Meeting of Experts on the Development and Implementation of National Codes of Practice for Forest Harvesting: Issues and Options 17–20 November 2003, Chiba, Japan, pp 69–76.
Wilkinson, GR 2003 ‘The rise of the community forest watch-dog – increased public scrutiny of environmental performance’, in EG Mason and CJ Perley (eds), Australasian Forestry – A Strategic Vision, Conference of the Joint Australia and New Zealand Institute of Forestry, 27 April–1 May 2003, Queenstown, New Zealand, pp 422–429.


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Duncan, F, Wapstra, M and French, B 2002, Vegetation of three proposed dam sites in north-eastern Tasmania: Waterhouse Irrigation Project, report to the Waterhouse Irrigation Committee Inc, March 2002.
Forghani, A and Gaughwin, D 2002, Spatial information technologies to aid archaeological site mapping, GIS Development Journal, June 2002, pp 1–3.
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Kiernan, K 2002, ‘Conservation, timber and perceived values at Mt Field, Tasmania’, in J Dargavel, D Gaughwin and B Libbis (eds), Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Australian Forest History, published by the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, and The Australian Forest History Society, pp 209–227.
MacDonald, M 2002, Archaeological potential zoning: collation and analysis of Aboriginal site survey data, report to the Forest Practices Board, Tasmania.
Mesibov, R, Bonham, KJ, Doran, N, Meggs, J, Munks, S, Otley, H and Richards, K 2002, ‘Single-species sampling in Tasmania: An inefficient approach to invertebrate conservation? (PDF 271.2 KB)’, Invertebrate Systematics 16: pp 655– 663.
McIntosh, PD 2002, Forest management in soils on basalt talus (PDF 447.8 KB).
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Munks, S 2002, Aspects of conservation management of forest fauna in England, Scotland and Ireland: a two week study tour June–July 2002 (PDF 974.1 KB), report to the Forest Practices Board, Hoart, Tasmania.
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Wapstra, M, French, B and Ashlin, T 2002, ‘Distribution, habitat characteristics and conservation status of the forest wire-grass Ehrharta juncea (R. Br.) Sprengel (Poaceae) in Tasmania’, Tasforests 14: pp 77–92.
Wells, F 2002, Classification and risk assessment of headwater streams to improve stream management in the forestry estate of Tasmania, a report to the Forest Practices Board, Forestry Tasmania and Forest Industries Association, Tasmania.
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Wilkinson, GR 2002, ‘The Regulation of Firewood Harvesting in Tasmania’, Proceedings of Firewood Conferences, Natural Heritage Trust and the Bushcare National Projects, pp181–182.


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Lynn, I.H., Lilburne, L.R. and McIntosh, P.D. (2001). Testing a soil-landscape model for dry greywacke steeplands on three mountain ranges in the South Island, New Zealand. Aust. J. Soil Research 40: pp 243–255.
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Scott, N.A., Saggar, S. and McIntosh, P.D. (2001). Biogeochemical impact of Hieracium invasion in New Zealand’s grazed tussock grasslands: sustainability implications. Ecological Applications 11: 1311–1322.
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Duhig,N., Munks,S., Wapstra, M. and Taylor, R. (2000). Mortality rates of retained habitat trees in State forest coupes: a long-term monitoring project. Report to Forestry Tasmania and Forest Practices Board.
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