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Forest Practices Authority

Forest Practices Authority annual report 2022–23 tabled in the Tasmanian Parliament this week

21 Jun 2024

A link to the FPA annual report 2022-23 and highlights from FPA's key functions and achievements in this past year.

The Forest Practices Authority’s (FPA) annual report for 2022–23 was tabled in Parliament this week by the Minister for Resources, the Hon Felix Ellis. The report outlines the key functions, performance and achievements of the FPA.
The FPA continues to perform its role in advice, training, communication, research, monitoring and enforcement. Data from the 2022–23 year shows a continuing strong demand for specialist advice from the FPA about biodiversity, soil, water, geomorphology and cultural heritage to support the development of forest practices plans on both public and private land.

The total number of FPPs certified in the period has increased across all forms of forest practices, including native forest harvesting and reforestation, plantation operations, afforestation on cleared land, quarries and roads. The trend of clearing forest to non-forest, primarily for agricultural use, continues to remain steady with 2,124 ha of plantations cleared and 476 ha of native forest cleared under a forest practices plan in 2022–23. The cumulative decrease in the area of Tasmania’s native forest cleared under FPPs and dam permits between 1996 and June 2022 is 158,670 ha or 4.9% of the estimated 1996 native forest estate.

The FPA continued to investigate alleged breaches of the Forest Practices Act, many of these investigations involving unauthorised clearing of native forest or Threatened Native Vegetation Communities on private land.
The annual independent auditing and assessment program reporting a high level of compliance within the industry.
In order to support compliance with the system, the FPA conducted 16 training courses for the forestry sector and non-forestry participants on a range of topics. These included soil erodibility, swift parrot management, visual landscape management and an introduction to the forest practices system for NRM groups.  Many of these training courses are designed for the continued professional development of the 163 Forest Practice Officers working across Tasmania.

Please enjoy reading the

FPA annual report 2022-23 (PDF 18.5 MB)