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Forest Practices Authority

Welcome FPO Trainee Class of 2023

21 Jun 2024

A new class of FPOs have begun their training with the FPA.

​​​​Every two years, a cohort of foresters begins the Forest Practices Authority’s (FPA) training course to become Forest Practices Officers (FPOs). The FPA delegates powers to FPOs under the Forest Practices Act 1985. FPO trainees must have at least 3 years’ experience in forestry and working knowledge of Tasmania’s forest practices system before they are able to apply for the course.

On 21–22 June, the 2023 class of FPO trainees met for the first time in Orford. Eighteen learners, including 2 FPA staff, spent 2 full days covering subjects like Understanding Tasmania’s Forest Practices System, Forest Practices Plan Implementation, and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Identification and Management. They also spent half a day along the Sandspit River and Wielangta Forest Walk to build understanding of the FPA’s Risk Assessment Form.

Foresters have a hugely diverse range of skills as they are required to identify the forest’s special values (biodiversity, soil and water, cultural heritage and landscape) as well as understand and implement the other standards in the Forest Practices Code. This includes practical standards on roading and harvesting. The course participants will meet for a further 2 days a month until December and attend a 4-day biodiversity course.

Even though the course material was intense at times, it didn’t stop the trainees and FPA from having a good time. A brave few even enjoyed a dawn solstice swim!

Brendan, Dion and Bonnie work together on their Risk Assessment Form

Brendan, Dion and Bonnie work together on their Risk Assessment Form

FPO trainees get out into the forest for some hands-on learning​

FPO trainees get out into the forest for some hands-on learning​

FPA staff and FPO trainees celebrate the first day of the course with a chilly solstice swim

FPA staff and FPO trainees celebrate the first day of the course with a chilly solstice swim