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Forest Practices Authority

Soils in Cambrian sediments and volcanics


Profile Characteristics

Soil name

Information source - see table below for abbreviations

Soils in interlayered mudstone, siltstone and sandstone

wet eucalypt forest at low altitude

texture-contrast soil with fine sandy/loamy textures loam textures in upper layers overlying clay textures in subsoil; prominent bleached A2 horizon


F S Tas Soil 6.1

wet eucalypt forest at medium altitude

texture-contrast soil with sandy loam texture in upper layers overlying clay textures in subsoil; prominent A2 horizon


Soils Bulletin 3*

wet eucalypt forest at low altitude

gradational soil with clay loam textures in upper horizons overlying clay texture in subsoil; humus coatings in subsoil


F S Tas Soil 6.2

wet eucalypt forest at low altitude

gradational soil with clay loam texture in surface horizon overlying clay texture in subsoil; red weathered


Soils Bulletin 3

wet eucalypt forest at medium altitude

gradational soil with clay loam texture in surface layers overlying clayey texture in subsoil


Soils Bulletin 3*

moist eucalypt forest and swamp vegetation

texture-contrast soil with sandy clay loam texture in upper horizons overlying clay texture in subsoil; weakly bleached A2 horizon; mottled subsoil (poorly drained)


Soils Bulletin 3*

mixed wet eucalypt and rainforest at medium altitude

texture-contrast soil with sandy loam/sandy clay loam textures in upper layers overlying clay textures in subsoil


F S Fact Sheet 11 (PDF 363.0 KB)

mixed wet eucalypt and rainforest at medium altitude

gradational soil with silty loam/silty clay loam textures


F S Fact Sheet 9 (PDF 321.6 KB)

Soils in chert and derived deposits

Moist eucalypt forest

Texture-contrast soil with sandy clay loam and sandy texture in upper layers overlying clayey texture in deep subsoil; prominent A2 horizon and humus pan (podosol)


Soils Bulletin 3*

Moist eucalypt forest

Uniform soil with very gravelly sand textures throughout; (may overlie buried soils of different texture)


F S Fact Sheet 10 (PDF 359.1 KB)

moist to wet eucalypt forest

Uniform soil with clayey textures; subsoil mottling (moderately well drained)


Soils Bulletin 3*

Soils in volcanic rocks including keratophyre and spillite

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with clay loam texture in upper layers overlying clay texture in subsoil; red weathered; in keratophyre


F S Tas Soil 6.2  Soils Bulletin 3

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with clay loam texture in upper layers overlying clay texture in subsoil; red weathered; in spillite


Soils Bulletin 3

(* = no laboratory analyses)

Abbreviations used for publications:

F S Tas

Grant, J.; Laffan, M.; Hill, R.; Neilsen, W. 1995. Forest Soils of Tasmania. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 189 p.

Soils Bulletin 1

Laffan, M.; Grant, J.; Hill, R. 1995. Soils of Tasmanian State Forests 1. Pipers Sheet. Soils Bulletin 1. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 271 p.

Soils Bulletin 2

Grant, J.; Laffan, M.; Hill, R. 1995. Soils of Tasmanian State Forests 2. Forester Sheet. Soils Bulletin 2. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 245 p.

Soils Bulletin 3

Hill, R.; Laffan, M.D.; Grant, J. 1995. Soils of Tasmanian State Forests 3. Forth Sheet. Soils Bulletin 3. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 317 p.