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Forest Practices Authority

Soils in granite and sediments derived from granite


Profile Characteristics 

Soil name

Information source - see table below for abbreviations

Soils in Quaternary sediments derived from granite

scrub and sedgeland-heathland

texture-contrast soil with peaty topsoils overlying bleached coarse sand that in turn overlie grey clay.


Soils Bulletin 1*
Soils Bulletin 2

open dry eucalypt forest

uniform coarse sandy soil with many quartz gravels


F S Tas Soil 18.1

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with silty clay loam texture in upper layers overlying yellowish-brown clay in subsoil


Soils Bulletin 2*

Soils in Tertiary sediments derived from granite

heathy dry eucalypt forest

texture-contrast soil with thick, strongly bleached coarse sandy A2 layer with many quartz gravels overlying humic/iron pans and clay


F S Tas Soil 11.1
Soils Bulletin 1
Soils Bulletin 2

dry eucalypt forest

gradational soil with loamy texture in topsoil overlying yellowish-red clay loam and clay in subsoil


F S Fact Sheet 23 (PDF 539.9 KB)

Soils Bulletin 1*
Soils Bulletin 2*

dry eucalypt forest

texture-contrast soil with strongly bleached coarse sandy A2 overlying clay loam in subsoil


F S Fact Sheet 24 (PDF 660.6 KB)

Soils Bulletin 2*

dry eucalypt forest

uniform coarse-sandy textured soil with strongly bleached coarse sandy A2 layer overlying thick, cemented pa


F S Fact Sheet 29 (PDF 385.8 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

uniform coarse-sandy textured soil with strongly bleached A2 layer overlying thick, cemented pan


F S Fact Sheet 17 (PDF 427.4 KB)

Soils in in-situ granite or local colluvium

dry eucalypt forest

texture-contrast soil with strongly bleached coarse sandy A2 layer overlying clay subsoil


F S Tas Soil 11.2
Soils Bulletin 2

dry eucalypt forest

Similar to Jensen, but no hardpan in A2 layer

Jensen variant

F S Fact Sheet 18 (PDF 278.0 KB)

dry eucalypt forest

gradational soil with loamy texture in upper layers overlying yellowish-brown and brown clay in subsoil


F S Fact Sheet 19 (PDF 441.2 KB)

dry eucalypt forest at medium altitude

gradational soil with weakly bleached loamy coarse sand A2 layer overlying yellowish-brown coarse sandy loam


F S Fact Sheet 25 (PDF 608.9 KB)

dry forest at low altitude

Thin organic layer and bleached sandy A2 horizon overlying mottled clayey subsoils with coarse blocky peds


F S Fact Sheet 28 (PDF 254.9 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with dark grey loamy coarse sand texture in upper layers overlying black gravelly coarse sandy loam


F S Fact Sheet 22 (PDF 536.2 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

texture-contrast soil with weakly bleached loamy texture in A2 overlying brown clay loam hardpan


F S Fact Sheet 26 (PDF 460.6 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

uniform soil with thin humic silt loam texture in topsoil overlying brown clay loam and loam


F S Fact Sheet 21 (PDF 396.1 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with sandy loam texture in upper layers overlying red clay loam in subsoil


Soils Bulletin 2*

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with coarse sandy loam or coarse sandy clay loam texture in upper layers overlying yellowish-brown clay in subsoil


F S Tas Soil 11.3
Soils Bulletin 2

F S Fact Sheet 34 (PDF 366.8 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

texture-contrast soil with strongly bleached coarse-sandy texture in A2 layer overlying yellowish-brown sandy clay in subsoil


F S Fact Sheet 20 (PDF 455.8 KB)

Soils Bulletin 2 (PDF 455.8 KB)

wet eucalypt forest

similar to Paris soil, but has a hardpan in lower A2 layer

Paris pan variant

Not available

wet eucalypt forest

gradational soil with coarse sandy loam texture in upper layers overlying yellowish-brown to brown coarse sandy clay in subsoil; all layers have weak strength


Soils Bulletin 2
F S Tasmania 11.4

open wet eucalypt forest and mixed forest

gradational soil with coarse sandy loam texture in upper layers overlying brown coarse sandy clay loam with abundant gravels


Soils Bulletin 2

rainforest and scrub at high altitude

gradational soil with humic loam texture in upper layers overlying coarse sandy clay loam and thin humic and iron pans in subsoil


Soils Bulletin 2*

rainforest and scrub at high altitude

uniform soil with peaty loam texture in upper layers overlying dark yellowish-brown loam with very weak strength in subsoil

Jessop variant

contact FPA

(*= no laboratory analyses)

Abbreviations used for publications:

F S Tas

Grant, J.; Laffan, M.; Hill, R.; Neilsen, W. 1995. Forest Soils of Tasmania. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 189 p.

Soils Bulletin 1

Laffan, M.; Grant, J.; Hill, R. 1995. Soils of Tasmanian State Forests 1. Pipers Sheet. Soils Bulletin 1. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 271 p.

Soils Bulletin 2

Grant, J.; Laffan, M.; Hill, R. 1995. Soils of Tasmanian State Forests 2. Forester Sheet. Soils Bulletin 2. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 245 p.

Soils Bulletin 3

Hill, R.; Laffan, M.D.; Grant, J. 1995. Soils of Tasmanian State Forests 3. Forth Sheet. Soils Bulletin 3. Forestry Tasmania, Hobart. 317 p.