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Forest Practices Authority

Forest Practices Code

The Code can be purchased from us or you can view and download the Forest Practices Code. (PDF 10.7 MB)

The main planning tool for planning forest practices in Tasmania is the Forest Practices Code.

The Forest Practices Code is central to the forest practices system. It is one of the few forest codes in the world that apply to both public and private land. The Code provides a set of guidelines and standards to make sure that forest practices are conducted in a way that will maintain of the natural and cultural values of the forest over the long term. The guidelines and standards in the Code cover:

  • planning
  • building access into the forest (roads, bridges, quarries etc.)
  • harvesting of timber
  • conservation of natural and cultural values
  • establishing and maintaining forests.

We developed the Code through extensive consultation and public comment. It is reviewed regularly, incorporating suggestions from scientists, government, the forestry industry and the public. The Code is legally enforceable under the Forest Practices Act 1985 for both public and private forests. More details on the most recent review.

Previous Codes (now superseded)

Forest Practices Code 2015 (PDF 2.5 MB)

Forest Practices Code 2000 (PDF 1.6 MB)

Forest Practices Code