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Forest Practices Authority

Permanent Native Forest Estate Policy

The FPA implements the Permanent Native Forest Estate Policy, which was established through the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement in 1997. The policy was reviewed in June 2017, simplifying it from a threshold-based approach to a prohibition on broadscale clearing and conversion of native forest, other than in limited prescribed circumstances. The policy does not restrict the harvest of native forest types where the silvicultural system ensures successful regeneration and maintenance of that forest community.

PNFEP Report Q2 2023-24 [1 October - 31 December] (PDF 255.5 KB)

PNFEP Report Quarter 1 2023-24 [1 July - 30 September] (PDF 255.5 KB)

Check the FPA annual report for the annual Permanent Native Forest Estate Policy figures.

The FPA's offset policy (PDF 744.0 KB) outlines the use of offsets to compensate for the loss of significant biodiversity values within forest practices plans.