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Forest Practices Authority

Forest practices plans

Most people who want to carry out forest practices on private land need a certified forest practices plan (FPP) first. The few exemptions to this are detailed in the Forest Practices Regulations.

You can use Check Before You Chop to find out if you need an FPP. If you think you are exempt from needing an FPP, check the Guidelines for exemptions under Forest Practices Regulation 4 (PDF 315.7 KB) and the Forest Practices Regulations FPP exemptions diagram (PDF 141.1 KB).

FPPs provide details of the operation area, boundaries, roads, snig tracks, landings, bridges, streams and forest areas retained for conservation purposes. They also include prescriptions that protect natural and cultural values, planned harvest systems, and reforestation.

How do I get an FPP?

If you need an FPP, a Forest Practices Officer (FPO) can prepare and certify one for you. The cost is based on how complicated the FPP is, as most FPOs charge a daily rate. FPPs usually take five to ten days to prepare. There is also a fee for lodging FPPs, which varies according to the class of plan.

See Information on FPP fees (PDF 683.4 KB) and the FPP fee calculator below;

FPP fee calculator for 2024 - 2025 (XLSM 29.5 KB)

To get started, see our list of consultant FPOs (PDF 198.8 KB).

Local government approval

You may also need approval from your local government, if required under the local planning scheme and if the land is not a private timber reserve or State forest. The council may impose additional conditions. There are fees for submitting Development Applications to local councils, which you can find out about from your local council.

Forest practices within private timber reserves do not need local government approval because they are exempt within the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

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