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Forest Practices Authority

About the Biodiversity Values Database

The Biodiversity Values Database (BVD) is a GIS-based system that provides up-to-date information on species localities and ranges. It also links to background information on threatened flora and fauna species.

How to use the BVD

  1. Input the relevant grid reference (GDA) into the database.
  2. You will see locality data for threatened flora species displayed spatially, which you can download.
  3. Range boundaries show if the area of forest practices plan (FPP) falls within the core, known and/or potential range for fauna species. You can use this information to get appropriate management advice from the Threatened Species Adviser program.
  4. Habitat models are provided as links on the BVD web-map, and assist in the management of some fauna species.
  5. Habitat descriptions help determine if the FPP area possesses suitable habitat. Note: on-ground assessments should still be performed.

The source of data in the BVD

Locality data for flora and fauna species and range boundaries are sourced from the Natural Values Atlas (NVA), which is managed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. Range boundaries are available for download from the NVA.

The threatened fauna species included in the BVD are on the schedules of the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Some species listed under these Acts have not been included in this planning tool, and this is explained in the review of the Threatened Fauna Adviser Background document 1 (PDF 1.4 MB) .

The fauna species ranges and habitat descriptions delivered by the BVD were developed during the Threatened Fauna Adviser review. The Threatened Fauna Adviser has now been replaced by the Threatened Species Adviser. Read a summary of the descriptions. (PDF 874.4 KB)

Finding background information on the species included in the BVD

See information on the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment website about the conservation status, biology and management issues for the threatened fauna and flora species included in the BVD.


The BVD includes information that has been provided to the FPA from a range of sources. While the FPA has endeavoured to check the accuracy and completeness of this information, the FPA does not guarantee that the BVD is free from errors and does not warrant the quality, performance or suitability of the BVD for any purpose. The FPA cannot accept any liability for either inaccuracies or omissions in the data used in the development of the BVD or the results of any work based on the BVD.