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Forest Practices Authority


Vegetation communities

Vegetation communities

From Forest to Fjaeldmark: Descriptions of Tasmania's Vegetation (Edition 2)

Planning for threatened species and threatened native vegetation communities under the forest practices system

There are 146 native vegetation communities in Tasmania, and 39 are listed as threatened. If you want to clear and convert a threatened native vegetation community, you will need a forest practices plan even if it is not a forest community.

Do I have an endangered native vegetation community? (PDF 927.3 KB) (PDF)  This information sheet shows you how to identify whether you have an endangered community and provides information for each community.

Planning for threatened species and threatened native vegetation communities under the forest practices system information sheet (PDF 299.8 KB) (PDF).

Threatened native vegetation communities

The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment have developed descriptions of the 39 listed threatened native vegetation communities (23 forest and 16 non-forest) which can be accessed through their web page on Threatened Native Vegetation Communities.