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Forest Practices Authority

Fauna Technical Notes

The fauna technical notes provide supplementary information and technical explanation on commonly encountered fauna management issues in production forests. They are advisory and are not additions/alterations to the Forest Practices Code.

Technical Note 1:
Eagle nest management (PDF 2.7 MB)

Guidance on managing eagles’ nests.

Technical Note 2:
Mature habitat availability (PDF 1.0 MB)

Background information on the construction and limitations of the mature habitat availability map.

Technical Note 3:
Swift parrot breeding habitat (PDF 251.0 KB)

Provides guidance on identifying swift parrot potential foraging and breeding habitat. This technical note formalises documentation that has been used by industry planners for many years.

Technical Note 4:
Broad-toothed stag beetle survey protocol (PDF 406.2 KB)

A survey protocol for determining the presence/absence of the broad-toothed stag beetle.

Technical Note 5:
Mt Mangana stag beetle survey protocol (PDF 494.0 KB)

A survey protocol for determining the presence/absence of the Mt Mangana stag beetle.

Technical Note 6:
Using the wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model (PDF 805.7 KB)

An explanation of how the model should be used for nest searches.

Technical Note 7:
Wildlife habitat clump flow diagram (PDF 339.5 KB)

Background information on implementing wildlife habitat clump provisions of the Forest Practices Code.

Technical Note 8:
Wildlife habitat strip location and management guidelines (PDF 476.4 KB)

Background information on implementing wildlife habitat strip provisions of the Forest Practices Code.

Technical Note 9:
Fauna record sheet (PDF 297.2 KB)

This form can be used to complete details of interesting or unusual sightings of any fauna – details will be passed on to Parks and Wildlife Service.

Technical Note 10:
Identifying Tasmanian devil and spotted-tailed quoll habitat (PDF 637.3 KB)

Provides guidance on identifying potential Tasmanian devil and spotted-tailed quoll habitat and on designing effective habitat networks across the broader landscape.

Technical Note 11:
Methods for surveying for threatened stag beetle species (PDF 334.4 KB)

This technical note outlines the recommended survey method so that results can be interpreted in terms of existing knowledge.

Technical Note 12:
Goshawk habitat categories (PDF 319.8 KB)

The habitat categories in this technical note assist with decisions on managing habitat for the grey goshawk in the north-west of the state.

Technical Note 13:
Method for surveying for the keeled snail (PDF 307.8 KB)

The keeled snail (Tasmaphena lamproides) is listed as rare and surveys may be required for this species in areas proposed for forestry operations. This technical note outlines recommended survey methods.

Technical Note 14:
Nest identification (PDF 378.7 KB)

Identifying eagle and goshawk nests can be tricky, even for the specialists, so we have put together these notes on things to look for.

Technical Note 15:
Culverts (PDF 674.3 KB)

Guidance for the design of fauna-friendly culvert crossings.

Technical Note 16:
Assessing the suitability of headwater (class 4) streams for the giant freshwater crayfish (PDF 1.3 MB)

This note provides guidance for assessing habitat suitability.

Technical Note 17:
Identifying masked owl habitat (PDF 859.6 KB)

Information on identifying and assessing masked owl habitat and guidance on how to manage known masked owl sites and potential habitat.

Technical Note 18:
Threatened frogs (PDF 1.3 MB)

Information on identifying habitat for the two species of threatened frog found in Tasmania; the green and gold frog (Litoria raniformis) and the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peroni).