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Forest Practices Authority

Specialist species information

Tree hollows booklet

A colour booklet designed to help people interested in tree hollows to identify the trees that are most likely to be used by hollow-dependent species. Produced in November 2009 by the CRC for Forestry and the Forest Practices Authority. Revised in 2017.

Tree hollows in Tasmania - a guide (PDF 1.2 MB)

Bat booklet

This booklet provides information on surveying, identifying and managing Tasmanian bats and their habitat.

A printed copy of this booklet is available from the FPA for $5.50, to find out more please email

Tasmanian bats and their habitat – a guide (PDF 1.8 MB)

The wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model

This is a high-resolution tool to help forest planners decide where to concentrate eagle nest searches. There are three components to the model: the low elevation model (L850), the high elevation model (G700), and the north-west model (NW). There is some overlap between the low and high elevation models and for these areas it is recommended that both are examined.

The different 'gridcode' values in the model indicate the relative likelihood that an eagle nest will be found in a particular area. For example, a gridcode value of '8' indicates a nest is very likely to be found (similar to a probability of presence value of 0.8-0.9), while a gridcode value of '0' indicates a low likelihood of finding a nest (probability <0.1). There is no set level at which nest surveys must be conducted, but the larger the search area the more nests are likely to be located.

For further details on the development, use and limitations of the wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model, see Fauna Technical Note No. 6 (PDF 805.7 KB).

Download shapefiles of the three components of the model:

Low elevation model (ZIP 26.8 MB)

High elevation model (ZIP 5.5 MB)

NW model (ZIP 582.7 KB)