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Forest Practices Authority

Cultural heritage

Procedures for managing historic cultural heritage when preparing FPPs (PDF 1.7 MB)

Procedures for managing Aboriginal cultural heritage when preparing FPPs (PDF 2.4 MB)

Historical site recording form (DOCX 37.7 KB)

Aboriginal heritage field assessment form:
All actual or suspected sites (e.g. artefacts, unusual rock flakes, overhangs showing signs of human habitation, middens, scarred trees) should be notified using the AH Site Recording Form. This form should be sent to the Cultural Heritage Manager at the FPA for checking and recording of site data on Conserve. The FPA will ensure that the form is sent to Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania so that site data can be recorded on the TASI database. Attach photographs for FPA and AHT records - forward these as separate JPG or TIFF  files.

Evaluation sheets

Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage Evaluation sheet (DOCX 54.6 KB)