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Forest Practices Authority

Evaluation sheets

Evaluation sheets

These evaluation sheets are designed to ensure Forest Practices Code provisions for biodiversity values are taken into account in the preparation of a forest practices plan (FPP).  Note that the evaluation sheets may not cover all biodiversity relevant provisions of the Code. The planner will need to consider any that are not covered here.

Biodiversity evaluation sheet: clearance and conversion (DOCX 65.2 KB) This evaluation sheet will ensure you consider Forest Practices Code provisions for biodiversity values when developing an FPP for clearance and conversion operations.

Biodiversity evaluation sheet: plantation operations (DOCX 57.4 KB) This evaluation sheet is designed to make sure you take Forest Practices Code provisions for biodiversity values relevant to plantation operations (roading, harvesting and reforestation) into account when preparing an FPP. (This includes operations which involve conversion of plantations to pasture.)

Biodiversity evaluation sheet: small scale plantation and plantation thinning (DOCX 39.2 KB) This evaluation sheet will ensure you consider Forest Practices Code provisions for biodiversity values relevant to plantation thinning operations; or harvesting in established plantations (where the total plantation area is less than 10 hectares)

Biodiversity evaluation sheets: native forestry (DOCX 75.2 KB) This evaluation sheet will help ensure you consider Forest Practices Code provisions for biodiversity values when you prepare an FPP for native forestry operations.

Biodiversity evaluation sheet - quarries (DOCX 74.3 KB) This evaluation sheet is specifically for preparing a Quarry FPP.

Supporting documents

Additional information to support FPA biodiversity evaluation sheets (PDF 218.4 KB) Information to guide you through using biodiversity evaluation sheets

FPA guidelines for ecological assessments (PDF 332.2 KB) These guidelines have been prepared for consultants conducting ecological surveys and preparing ecological reports for areas subject to a proposed FPP.

FPA policy on conversion and ecological assessments (PDF 141.1 KB)
The FPA has clarified the circumstances in which we can assist an FPO with ecological assessments for conversion proposals.

Raptor forms

Raptor nest search, location and activity forms (DOCX 4.6 MB) These forms may be used to report search areas, location of nest nests and/or nest activity.