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Forest Practices Authority

Raptor Resources

​​​​​Document Description

Fauna Technical Note 1: Eagle nest searching, activity checking and nest management (PDF 2.7 MB)

​Guidance on managing eagles’ nests.

​Fauna Technical Note 6: Wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model (PDF 805.7 KB)

​An explanation of how the wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model should be used for nest searches.

Fauna Technical Note 14: Nest Identification (PDF 378.7 KB)

​Guidance on the identification of eagle and goshawk nests.

Raptor Nest Search Form (DOCX 40.4 KB)

​Form to use when undertaking searches for new raptor nests.

Raptor Nest Location Form (DOCX 44.8 KB)

​Form to use when a new raptor nest is found.

Raptor Nest Activity Check Form (DOCX 4.6 MB)

​Form to use when undertaking ground-based raptor nest activity checks.

​Raptor Nest Absent Form (DOCX 45.8 KB)

​Form to use when submitting evidence for having a nest declared as formally ‘lost’.

Raptor Nest Condition Assessment Form (DOCX 4.6 MB)

​Form to use only when undertaking nest condition assessments and not for nest activity checks.

Biodiversity Values Database (BVD)

​The BVD can be used to view raptor spatial information such as raptor range boundaries, raptor nest and/or roost records and the wedge-tailed eagle nesting habitat model.

​​Raptor Notifications Database

​The Raptor Notifications workspace is for requesting advice on raptor management from FPA specialists. If you need to use to the Raptor Notifications workspace, please send a request to Once you have received formal access to the Raptor Notifications workspace you can navigate to the workspace via the FPA’s Notifications Database by clicking the You are in the FPA Notifications workspace drop down on the top right of the Notifications Database webpage.